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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


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Now the TSA is in the Tampa Greyhound Station. And the videographers get harassed by the DHS.

Sieg Heil.


  1. I'm tellin' ya --- each and every one of you goose stepping, Nazi wanna-be's who cheer and clap every time a reporter gets locked up, the police beat and kill handcuffed citizens, search without warrant, confiscate property without charges or trial, detain hundreds of INNOCENT people at the latest Nazi "checkpoint" (show me your papers!), detain -- indefinitely -- (not ARREST!) people to "evaluate" them, and on and on (Jefferson wouldn't even RECOGNIZE this country any more), well, you will be sorry. It will just be too late. Your wild cheeering at the disintegration of our freedom has given these "leaders" too much confidence that you don't really want any freeedom anyway. You want "security". I suggest you move to North Korea. Or STFU.

  2. A cop threatens to "detain" a citizen, who has done NOTHING wrong. NOTHING! Show me your ID! What? Now, innocent citizens get threatened with "disappearing" (under the NDAA and Patriot Act, the police DON'T EVEN HAVE TO ADMIT THEY HAVE YOU IN CUSTODY!!) and the cop takes his ability to do that with PRIDE. Make sure you have your "papers" in order when you go out. He is such a lemming that he doesn't see the irony in being a cop and threatening to "hold you" for 72 without even a charge --- merely because you are pissing him off. Cops do this all the time with "disturbing the peace", "obstructing justice", etc., but NOW its on a whole new level. And they ain't joking, either. Welcome to the Nazi reincarnation. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Keep cheeering.

  3. Agreed, and it is to late no matter what others think or how much HOPE they have... to many for far to long are corrupt and you CAN'T fix it... obama made people poor so the govt can expand and guess what, once the govt implements something, they WILL NEVER TAKE IT OUT OR REPEAL IT...

    SO THOSE WHO THINK ROMNEY WILL take out the health care, then YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT because he helped obama enact the health care and Romney has the same thing in his state where he is Governor and they are bankrupt to...

    Then ones who let this happen are the ones who will be the slaves... they to will be the first to die off because they cant even support them selves...

  4. Obama Marxism at it's worst.

  5. Amen to 1:15. It is too late.


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