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Friday, August 10, 2012

Unions hit Democratic Convention Where It Hurts: In The Wallet

The Democrats are hitting up unions — their go-to cash cows — for last-minute donations to help pay for next month’s convention in Charlotte.

The response from some big unions? Tough

Union leaders insisted from the start that they wouldn’t help fill the piggy bank for this year’s Democratic National Convention after the party picked a labor-hostile location and at the same time made fundraising tougher by banning corporate contributions and capping individual donations. And with the event less than a month away, they’re sticking to their guns.



  1. Imagine the shock to the union leaders when Obama never once showed his face in Wisconsin. This Administration has hung them out to dry, and it is what it is.

    Personally I'm glad. The left is eating itself.

  2. People in charge of picking the convention cities must be total idiots. Democrats pick the home of Bank of America and Republicans pick Tampa in August, what were they thinking?

  3. Its in response for holding up the Keystone pipeline.


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