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Friday, August 10, 2012


ANNAPOLIS, MD Governor Martin O’Malley announced the appointment of Tammy Brown as Executive Director of the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP). Ms. Brown brings 15 years of increasing levels of responsibility in Maryland's criminal justice system. She will officially start her position as Executive Director on September 5th.

“The most important responsibilities we have as public servants are to create jobs and to protect the public’s safety,” said Governor O’Malley. “Tammy Brown brings more than a decade of experience in public safety administration to GOCCP and has made significant achievements in improving communication and collaboration among all public safety agencies. Together, with the men and women of law enforcement, we have driven down violent and property crime rates to 36-year lows. I am confident that Tammy will be a key part of our efforts to drive crime down even further and make our communities safer for all Maryland families.”

Most recently, Ms. Brown served as the Chief of Staff of the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services (DJS). While at DJS, she helped to implement case management reforms including the development and implementation of the Violence Prevention Initiative. Prior to her role as chief of staff, she served as director of communications for DJS, where she spearheaded increased levels of information sharing with law enforcement. She helped pass legislation to allow juvenile information to be shared with system counterparts in the District of Columbia.

Prior to coming to the State of Maryland, Ms. Brown served as the executive director of the Baltimore City Criminal Justice Coordinating Council where she was responsible for organizing the various federal, state, and local criminal justice agencies, focusing on cross-functional improvements of the criminal justice system in Baltimore City. While in her capacity as the director, she reformed the systems at the Baltimore Central Booking Center to ensure people were processed efficiently, while still preventing releases with open warrants. Ms. Brown also assisted the Baltimore City Police Department in implementing a lethality assessment to identity potential domestic violence victims. She advocated for, and her office supported, the creation of the domestic violence centralized prosecution unit, a unit of law enforcement and prosecutors' offices located together in the courthouse to provide focus and collaboration on domestic violence cases.

Ms. Brown previously worked as a fellow from the Open Society Institute, focusing on both legal services for the homeless and helping ex-offenders re-enter society. She holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Baltimore School of Law and a Bachelor's degree in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics and Government from American University.


  1. How many more frik'n elite positions can these a holes dream up. Everytime you turn around they think up another and another and another...no wonder our state is broke and so corrupt!

  2. Ok. She assisted the Baltimore Police Dept.in implementing a lethality assessment to identity potential domestic violence victims. What school did she attend to learn those skills? What a bunch of crap.

  3. Does MS. Brown happen to be a relative of Lt. Gov. Brown?


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