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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

TRAPWIRE: Leaked Stratfor Emails Indicate Sophisticated Surveillance Grid May Exist

TrapWire is the other really interesting story out there at the moment that is not being covered at all in the United States mainstream media, which at this point has become a gigantic joke and national embarrassment (only 21% of Americans trust TV news according to a recent gallup poll).

So what do we know about TrapWire at the moment? Unfortunately, the answer is not that much, but we definitely know enough to be very concerned and our media outlets should be spending a lot of time on this subject rather than the petty topics on which they spend the majority of their wasted existence.

From what is out so far we know that TrapWire is a sophisticated surveillance system that consists of at least: CCTV cameras, license plate readers and open source date bases offered to major corporations and governments around the world. The Sydney Morning Herald informs us that:

The emails and other documentation revealed TrapWire is installed in some of the western world’s most sensitive locations – including the White House, 10 Downing Street, New Scotland Yard, the London Stock Exchange and five hundred locations in the New York subway system. Trapwire is also installed in many Las Vegas casinos.



  1. so the show Person of Interest is real

  2. Every person's body contains electromagnetic energy,which unbeknownst to almost everyone carries a DNA signature.That has enabled anyones DNA to be obtained without virtue of the usual procedures such as swabs,blood analysis,etc.Agencies such as trapwire really don't care if an EM signature is not court admissable because their operations rarely make it to court.The aforementioned practice,if it makes any sense to those reading this comment,is akin to putting a turbocharger on the Person of Interest approach.


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