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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Romney Camp Seizes On Biden Comment On ‘Chains’

DANVILLE, Va. — Vice President Joe Biden told voters in southern Virginia on Tuesday that Republican Mitt Romney wanted to put them “back in chains,” sparking outrage from the GOP campaign.
Addressing a crowd that included hundreds of black people, Biden saidRomney wants to get rid of new Wall Street regulations Obama signed into law after the 2008 financial collapse.
“Unchain Wall Street,” Biden said. “They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”


  1. Delaware! Brings out some good leaders.

  2. I wonder if obama sat him down and scolded him, like he does all others?

  3. Obama would never scold Biden because if Biden gets mad and quits there is no one else dumb enough (well maybe Perlosi) to run on the obama ticket.


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