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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Today's Survey Question 8-15-12

Who do you believe needs more support, (staff and financial) the Salisbury Police Department or the Salisbury Fire Department?


  1. Neither.
    They both need to do more with what they have and citizen's need to be refunded tax money.

  2. That's like asking a plumber what the physics of rocket science is. What a stupid question.

  3. neither at this point. they need to work withing their means. if they are to get more money, it should come from education. which is way over funded.

    if the police or fire dept. has a problem, protest in front of the board of ed.

  4. no doubt, police. we have the same # of officers as we did 20 years ago and crime and population is much higher

  5. Hand down the Police Dept not the Fire Clowns.

  6. I grew up here over the last 6 decades. After seeing what Salisbury has become, no question we need more police resources!

  7. SPD! What is needed is more educated people in the Mayors office. They have one that wanmts to be addressed as DR. and she is dummer than chit.Has a PHD and working as an assistant. That tells me alot about her ambitions.Just another product of no criminal left. 400,000 mistake sent to the council?

  8. I don't know if we need more of either. More competency and less complacency would be a great start. A better relationship with the citizens of this area will help as well. Before additional funds are funneled to these organizations, how about better allocation and execution of the funds already available?

  9. Police...But they need to cut the overhead and put more people on the streets. You cant catch a drug dealer sitting behind a desk or sitting on the pottie reading playboy.

  10. Spd they could send Frank Hanna a bill for all the officers that have to be in the brew river parking lot on Saturday nights

  11. I agree with 11:30.

  12. In believe both departments should have to show documented facts as to why they need money and be held accountable for the implementation and the results of monies are to be awarded. While certainly both depts. are needed, neither has a documented track record of improvement. The SFD, as already abused their allocation. Perhaps, the dept. heads need to get out on the streets daily and observe what their staffs are doing and where they are going with taxpayer funded vehicles and clean up internally before we afford them more monies to waste.

  13. 1140-Hanna gets billed all the time, it's called taxes.

  14. Salisbury Police Dept! The Fire Dept has been given enough toys, etc over the past several years while crime was allowed to get out of control. It needs to come to a stop.

  15. 1231-it becomes a burden when an establishment attracts such a negative crowd every Saturday night that all three local police forces must be out in full numbers to control brew rivers Saturday night clientele. Taxes don't pay for a small army of Leo when there are a lot of better things to do in this town than keep the peace at an establishment. Drive by there on a s Saturday night/Sunday morning around 2 and you'll see or even better go into the bar and loose all respect for the Hanna's that they would even allow that to happen. I feel bad for their employees word is that it gets so bad that he won't even allow his daughter to work at that time.

  16. 1:46 is correct. The PD is not someone's private security firm. There should be a law on the books, that an establisment gets a few free passes a month or something like that. AFter that they pay if PD is called alot.

  17. 217-They do pay. It's called taxes.

    As for the clientele? I wouldn't know, I don't go there. Hangin out on Fitzwater street isn't what I consider a good time.

  18. 146-I feel bad for the daughter too, I grew up with her. But it is what it is when you build in that area. Certainly should be different but it's the businesses business, not mine. btw, they do pay for LEO...it's called taxes. City/County want it different, change the rules. I know a lot of other counties do, just so they don't have to babysit. Of course, I know many other places that simply hire off-duty officers that carry. A crowd simmers down real quick with guys like that around. Happens at nearly every establishment on the western shore. Hell even my local Applebee's has armed security one weekends.

  19. I agree with the one stating the Fire Dept has received enough expensive toys, and number of hires. The Police Dept has long been over looked, they need better pay, benefits and more officers.

  20. The hanna's have no control over the crowd. They have a dress code and don't let anyone in who has a maryland ID! Aside from that what do u want the man to do? Go on TV and say worthless blacks who don't kno who to act or have any respect for others can't come in his bar. I'm sure u all want that bc that would give all u debbie the downers something else to talk about. And ask ur self this what is his tax dollars paying for? This site has all the judgement unhappy ppl in the area on it!

  21. They could hire off duty LE to act as security 3:38. It's what they do in OC. It costs a bit of money but eliminates having to call the PD constantly.

  22. 338- they don't have control over the crowd my a$$. The crowd they have is the crowd they appeal to by playing the music they play, by having the djs they have, by having the rappers and promoters they use, and by having the specials that they have to entice this clientele. And they do this because the liquor that this clientele purchases is the top dollar stuff so they can make even more money

  23. Police I use to donate to the SFD but quit after they put up such an elaborate fire station, and since purchased an unneeded fire boat. It seems they have money to blow so my little donation was not needed.

  24. I don't believe taxpayers should be put in the position of giving any dept. more of our money to waste especially if the dept. head has been chosen by Ireton. They should all be voted on by the public based on results achieved, and their credentials which should be completely checked out by the attorney and council and an independent board.

  25. The root of the problem is greed by those that get elected. Not all, but enough are there to maximize their financial gain by being able to influence decisions. One way to fight that is limit officials to a single term and require a publicly posted resume of candidates.


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