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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Judge Upholds Pennsylvania Voter ID Law; Opponents To Appeal

In a blow to voting rights advocates, Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson upheld the state’s restrictive voter ID law, which could disenfranchise as many as 750,000 citizens in the state.

Though voter ID proponents were unable to cite even a single case of voter impersonation that would justify the ID requirement, Simpson “didn’t rule on the full merits of the case,” instead limiting his scope to whether it was a proper exercise of the legislature’s authority, according to the AP. They continue:

The original rationale in Pennsylvania’s Republican-controlled Legislature for the law — to prevent election fraud — played little role in the case before Simpson since the state’s lawyers acknowledged that they are “not aware of any incidents of in person voter fraud.” Instead, they insisted that lawmakers properly exercised their latitude to make election-related laws when they chose to require voters to show widely available forms of photo identification.



  1. Disenfranchise Hell Voter ID should be mandatory in every state also an IQ test should be mandatory.

  2. Yaaaay! For now, anyway...

  3. Democrats will not like having rules to follow I wonder how much of this will disenfranchise the dead vote?

  4. 11:27 funny ,but very true amazing how dead democrats just keep on voting after death simply amazing.

  5. an IQ test should be mandatory.

    August 15, 2012 11:18 AM

    That would be instant defeat for Romney, is counting on the stupid vote.

  6. People who receive tax payer money such as welfare should not be allowed to vote themselves more money.

  7. Disenfranchised. I remember when this became the word du jour for all the dopes down in FL who couldn't figure out how to vote and didn't have the sense enough to stick their heads out of the booth and ask someone. Now there is this subculture that for some reason feels disenfranchised everytime they turn around. If having to go and get an ID and showing it to vote makes you disenfranchised then you need some serious mental help ASAP.

  8. community organizer registering voters today @ the Giant.

  9. >>>That would be instant defeat for Romney, is counting on the stupid vote.<<< And I infer from your sharp wit and command of the language that you'll be supporting the Obama ticket.


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