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Friday, August 17, 2012

'The Crazy Uncle In The White House Attic' Is One Heartbeat Away From The Presidency

Obama: Making Joe Biden Vice President was "The single best decision I have made" reported by CBS News back in 2010. At first blush, this seems like a ridiculous statement. Upon examination of Obama's subsequent record, it may be valid.

That is the same Joe Biden that Charles Krauthammer (a psychiatrist) referred to as the "crazy uncle in the attic". His recent racist comment claiming Romney and Ryan will put people 'back in chains" is the latest gaffe. The White House stands behind the comments. [Sound of crickets from the Sharpton and Jackson crowd.]

I guess Joe is good sport for the media. He gives the sound bites that break up the drudgery of the daily news flows and helps fill up the news hour. A delight for a news editor trying to fill the page, or the time slot.

But on a serious note, the "crazy uncle" is just a heart beat away from going from the attic to the Oval Office. A frightening thought. Not a casual situation. Serious as a heart attack on the White House basketball court.

The 2008 Obama said that Biden would fill in the gaps in his lack of foreign relations experience. We could feel safe." Joe will advise me," said Obama.

I don't feel safe. Is this the type of "expertise" and "savvy" the Obama administration finds indispensible? Are the string of Biden gaffes not an indication of a fogged mind?

It is becoming glaringly clear, like a fire hose in the face, that this man Joe Biden is a cardboard cutout. He is a shallow thinking career politician who speaks first and maybe, just maybe, thinks afterwards. He is the guy that gets the pie in the face, then laughs.



  1. I read some where if something happens to the President, Secret Service is directed to take out Bidden immediately

  2. hey 9:46

    It's not if something happens to obama ,I think it's when something happens to obama.

  3. Delaware has so much to be proud of!

  4. Watche the Peter Sellers movie "Being there" . Biden is almost there

  5. if something happens to the 2 of them, john, the house speaker, becomes president.


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