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Friday, August 17, 2012



  1. As a military spouse, this photo touches me.The men and women of the military truly are a blessing to our country.They protect and serve daily without any second guesses or regret. I am proud to be a member of a military family and thank all of the others who serve.

  2. Agreed. It touches all of us.

    But, It is time for some serious second guessing.
    Before there is more regret.

    Obama is not a Commander in Chief.

    Well, maybe of the Black Panthers, street gangs, black mobs and the army of welfare recipients but not our HONORABLE soldiers.

  3. Seimper Fi my brother!

  4. Obama said , " we owe you nothing , you JOINED the military."

  5. It's not Obama's war...Bush started this mess!! Why are you making this about politics? It's about being grateful for the freedoms that soldiers like this allow us to have each day.

  6. Obama owns The war. The blood is on his hands.
    HE was the one that increased troop levels when he campaigned on draw downs. Remember the troop surge of 09?

  7. The troop surge happened because Bush's ground commander said we needed it. Obama did agree to it, but only under the recommendation of the previous administration's top army commander.The war began in 2001..so how is it Obama's war? So if Romney wins, will it be his war then too?

  8. Anonymous 11:16 - Your president sure took all the fame for finding and killing Bin Laden, so I would say it is his war. Bush didn't start it, he was just cleaning up what Clinton didn't do all through the 90's. Maybe if Clinton had grown some, 9/11 wouldn't have happened and 160,000 other folks would still be alive.

  9. not if...Chuck, when.
    And, yes it will be.
    And no it was not Bush's ground commander, after Jan.20/08 It was Obama's.
    You're lies still amaze me.

  10. I don't believe this president has fully supported (only in lip service) any of our brave military men and women. I can only say, "thank you for your service, your sacrifice, your bravery, and my freedom".

  11. 2:28
    These are not lies...The General in charge of all ground forces was in command during Bush and after Obama took over. THe decision to surge troops into Afghanistan was made before Obama took office. I do agree that Obama took the baton as Commander in Chief as soon as he was sworn in but the decision to put more troops there was done before he took office. I know...because I was part of it and went over there.

    I do agree that whatever happens during a presidency is the current president's problem...however, in all fairness the war was started under Bush. This war is now Obama's however, he did not change any of the war plans or schemes that Bush had already put into place. We are fighting the war the way the Bush regime designed it to be fought. Also, military operations are not decided by the president...the military commanders make the decisions and pass the plan to the president who rarely denies or changes them.

    So sorry if my facts are your 'lies.' Seeing as you are from Salisbury you probably haven't served a day in your life...next time I deploy to fight for this country and your right to say and think what you want...why don't you join up and come with me?


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