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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Supporters, Opponents Plan Events To Support Stance on Chick-fil-a

Some new feathers are flying in the Chick-fil-a same-sex marriage controversy.

The restaurant's president's remarks about same-sex marriage have apparently hurt America's opinion of his business, igniting supporters for both sides of the issue.

Right now, there's a movement on Facebook to make Wednesday an unofficial appreciation day for the fast food chain.



  1. I went there yesterday. There were so many alienated and repulsed customers in there laughing, talking with each other, eating,shaking hands, that I had to park in Kohl's parking lot among 50 other cars because the lot was full! Drive up visitors, again, all the way around the store. Boy! I'll have to alienate my customers like that!

  2. This was the best decision by a CEO ever.
    Sales are through the roof.
    I guarantee Chik-fil-a will face Government harassment.

  3. 10:33-Normal people don't "suck it up"but I agree with everything else you said.

  4. Normal people do suck it up
    12:52. They do not dwell and refuse to have a victim mentality. Normal people know better than to engage someone everytime something is said they don't like and will just chalk it up to either a differing opinion or an ignorant statement.

  5. Normal people don't "suck it up"but I agree with everything else you said.

    August 1, 2012 12:52 PM

    I think your 'other' meaning was lost on him.


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