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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Michael Phelps - Didn't Earn That


  1. Yup, republican donations to the privately funded Olympic team.

  2. At least Phelps earned his medal more than I can say for Obama and the Nobel Peace Award that he did not earn or deserve.

  3. I mean, is this not true? Phelps is a great athlete but he had a huge support network of family, friends, the US Olympic team, etc. behind him as he traveled his path to glory. Extremely doubtful he could have done that all by himself.

  4. And let's not forget that the last metal earned was a team effort.

    They all earn it together and that is the point.

  5. "With a lot of help from his friends, Phelps took down the last major record that wasn’t his alone, swimming the anchor leg for the United States in a gold medal-winning performance of the 4x200-meter freestyle relay Tuesday night."

    That's a quote from an article posted a little below this one.

  6. It must be a matter of perspective, because I adamantly disagree.

    Michael Phelps could have laid around and collected welfare. Instead he set his goals high and worked his butt off for years to get there. Now if you and President Obama believe you desire to share the credit for what he accomplished, take it. Maybe the two of you can put your head together and figure out how to the this Country back to work!

    In the meantime, I will see if they will make room for the two you on the podium!

  7. And the invisible man was pushing him along.

  8. Anon: 12:50pm

    I guess his coach never helped him at all huh?


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