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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney Completes GOP Ticket With Rep. Ryan, Projects 'Steadiness'

Mitt Romney announced Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate Saturday, selecting the Republican Party's go-to man on budget issues in a decision that signals the campaign will make the nation's spiraling debt a centerpiece of its attacks on President Obama. 
Romney made the selection official during a campaign stop Saturday morning in Norfolk, Va., before launching a four-day bus tour.   
The Republican presidential candidate called his new running mate a man of "steadiness" and "integrity." Speaking Saturday morning, Romney praised Ryan as an "intellectual leader" of the party, one who understands the toll the debt is taking on the country but is optimistic about the future.


  1. Good choice. He will help to get spending under control, and he refuses to sign pork barrel spending legislation.

  2. Say good by to medicare and social security. The middle class just entered poverty if they win!

  3. Brave choice as well. I think Ryan can actually communicate his ideas.
    Naturally The One .org will be scaring the bejeezus out of seniors, especially in FL.
    No doubt they'll dig up a kitten that died while he was walking by the house as a child, demonstrating his early Satanic intent.

  4. Paul Ryan is the author of the most extreme right-wing budget ever proposed in Congress. He wants to dismantle Medicare, privatize Social Security, and cut taxes for millionaires while raising taxes on the middle class.

  5. 3:25 you are misinformed or nuts, I don't know which. Don't believe what the radical left writes. Obama is the only president to ever cut Medicare which is has cut by $700 billion.

  6. 3:48 Ask Paul Ryan yourself and he will gladly tell you how he wants to eliminate SS as we know it. I give him credit for one thing he will not say he is misunderstood, he stands by his radical beliefs. Obama gets four more years, Ryan get super national exposure and Romney will retire to La Jolla.

  7. 3:48
    Stay away from the cool-aid (aka..Fox News)

    are you rich? or middle class...
    Thats what your vote is for!

  8. Chuck Cook has been reading joe's blog today. Thanks for posting Chuckie!

  9. Ryan was an excellent choice and America's only hope of undoing Obama's destruction.

  10. 5:07

    You forons complain about Fox all the time, but never give specifics, a lot like Ding Harry Reid. The truth is we are broke as a nation and something has to be done. Obama ,early in his term said something has to be done, but like most liberals doesn't have the balls to do anything for fear of offending his lunatic, government dependant base.
    As for the Ryan plan that drives you libs nuts, some of his proposals are to change medicare for persons under 55. If over 55 you can go to the new plan orstay on medicare,your choice. As for Social Security, it is also broke. He suggests raising the retirement age, and making SS means tested( for you libs that means the "RICH" would still have to pay into SS, but would not recieve payments at retirement age)

  11. •The Ryan budget does not propose Social Security reform. Paul Ryan favors major reforms to this program, but he apparently thinks that reforming health care and other entitlements is a higher priority right now.

  12. He'd be better off choosing a minority candidate,

  13. 12:12:
    You're misinformed. Fixing is NOT the same as getting rid of.

  14. >>>3:25 you are misinformed or nuts, I don't know which.<<< There's a third option - 3:25 is a deliberate liar. This is going to be a nasty campaign and the democrats will be relying heavily on disinformation. Stay informed.


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