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Saturday, August 11, 2012

AARP Study Shows Half Of Boomers Doubt They'll Retire

Among 50- to 64-year-olds surveyed by the AARP, the majority scored a 70 percent on the group's Anxiety Index, landing far ahead of the 18- to 49-year-old sect, which scored 59 percent. Seniors over 65 were the most relaxed of the bunch at 46 percent.

"The results belie a common stereotype of boomers as 'comfortable and living high on the hog compared to everyone else'," said Greg Strimple of GS Strategy Group, which conducted the survey with AARP and Hart Research Associates. "You see these numbers, and they're anything but."

What's keeping them up at night?


1 comment:

  1. The only people retiring are public sector and union employees who have had their pensions funded by the taxpayer. Half the country is already "retired" because they don't work and are on welfare again funded by the taxpayer.


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