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Friday, August 31, 2012

Republicans Want To Destroy USPS Carriers?

A leading postal workers' union said the new Republican Party platform is anti-letter carrier. The National Association of Letter Carriers said Republicans would destroy their jobs and the Postal Service. The union hopes the platform will galvanize members to vote. In the platform, the GOP says the Postal Service must downsize in the Internet era. It says mail delivery from the days of the "Pony Express" cannot go on, and it calls on Congress to explore ways to privatize parts of the mail-processing system.


  1. I believe the US Postal Service is covered in the Constitution. It will never go completely away. Not everyone has computer/internet access; my parents don't and are not interested in one as they are in the 70's and 80's.


  2. the people working there killed their own jobs thru saleries to start with.

  3. Union = bankruptcy. Lost jobs and revenue.

    How deep in debt is the Postal service? GM?

    Dresser Wayne. The Union closed them up.
    Unions are for Marxists. Period.

  4. What is this about "Republicans"? This is what the democrat-controlled congrss is now doing...

  5. Repulicans vs Democrats.6 one way,half a dozen the other.When it all comes out in the wash niether is clearly better.I'm a republican,but I can see their faults.

  6. Two party system. Three party system. Whatever party system.

    No matter which one you have, they are still against the ONE PARTY system.

    The American Citizens.

  7. Propaganda. Don't believe it.

  8. It's a downward spiral. magazines on tablets. Now the crazy statment, have you heard of 3D printers? Could be a new way for people who get stuff from catalogs, thus no shipping required. Also, everyone has computer access. It is called a library.

  9. the attack on the usps started back in 2000, 2001, when postal workers were made to pay in an extra 15 percent to their retirement systems to add to the balance the deficit, under the 1997 budget reconcilation act and were thanked by the president and congrdess for their'sacrifice' the increase was then removed in 2002 from the presidents budget and then new legislation began which after the other 2 retirement systems were overfunded, fers by 15 billion and csrs by 140 billion ( see postal comments to the federal trade commision, august 6, 2007) then the paea or postal accounitibilty and enhancement act was passed, giving bonus money to those at the top of the food chain of usps, to make sure those that worked with the mails, letter carriers, clerks, were short staffed due to having too much money in retirement and then a 3rd retirement system that no other federal agency or business by law has to have taking 5 billion from the profits a year from usps to make a prefunded retirerment account from 2006 until 2016, for postal workers not born or working for the usps, and set aside in escrow, meanhile this is the excuse given for cutting hours, slashing workers jobs and closing some postal offices. www.postalmag.com/joygoldberguspsstress.pdf, or awpu3800 first area tricounty local, PA library, stess in the workplace artical describes the actions the paea caused , from the copywritten work there called ' how the ongoing violation of the usps guiding principles is creating a toxic work environment', from there go to www.billburrasjournal.org- misc by search and find, and then read by scolling down the elevator page, phoney excuses for diverting usps revenues' , then go to ALEC/Koch Cabal the privitization of USPS for Ups and FedEx, by bob sloan, go to www. examiner.com and read Tim McCown artical' behind all the schemes and lies of the privitization of usps, the go to sribd( net) the battle for democracy and the USPS, and then read www.savethepostoffice.com, and also www.mpwu.com/post_office_in_crisis.htm


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