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Friday, August 31, 2012

Elementary Schools NEW GYM SCHEDULE

Hi Joe, I am a daily reader of sbynews and thought I could tell you about a situation in my childs school that needs to be addressed. Not too long ago you advised us of the change to elementary recess time. Well apparently at Pittsville Elementary & Middle School not only has the recess time been reduced but so has the GYM time as well! When we got our child's schedule for the year, they only have gym 1x per cycle now (which comes out to be about every 7-8 days). Just last year it was triple that!! Instead their specials include French, computer & math enrichment (which is different from their regular math class), So more class time . . . . less recess and gym 1x per 7-8 days (unless we get a fog delay which would make it every 14 days).

I know in the past when Joe Holloway got involved with the Board of Education in reference to the types of books that were found in the school libraries, action was taken. The school librarians couldn't get some of those books off the shelf fast enough. I am going to try and contact him as well.

A friend of mine in the Fruitland district does NOT have this same problem!! Elementary students their have Gym every other day!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I thought the government, yes including the White House for several administrations have been all up in the idea of physical education in school due to all the obese children. What happened to that push? Are obese children now forgotten?

  2. One way to correct this, and it works good is you take them to a gym or ymca or a park. stay there and play with them, you know "Bond" with the kid. It's yours not mine.

    1. Where is the time after their two hour bus ride.

  3. I have an idea- how about when the kids get home from school, make them go outside and PLAY! Don't let them stay inside and watch tv or play video games! Simple solution! It worked for my generation and we turned out okay.
    Let them learn at school, that's what it's there for.

  4. Why are the liberals not jumping up and down about this? Michele Obama would really be upset if she knew this was going on. This goes directly against her "Let's Move" program.

  5. If you go to a BOE employee meeting you will see scads of obesity.

  6. I do play with my children daily outside, but they still need gym class. Not everyone has the means to join a gym. When we were growing up we had it every day. Children need time during the day to exercise and learn about physical fitness.

  7. Actually a "cycle" is 6 days to be exact, not 7 or 8!


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