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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Obama's War On Whistleblowers Accelerates: Science Itself Is Now Contraband

The Obama administration is evil. Sorry, there is no other adjective to describe it at this point. They know they are corrupt, they embrace their corruption and now they are doing everything possible to silence anyone who dares call them out on it. The latest case of Obama’s war on whistleblowers relates to how the Scientific Integrity Officer within the Interior Department, Dr. Paul Houser, was attacked when he started raising some scientific and environmental questions. According to Kate Sheppard of Mother Jones:

When he raised those concerns to then-DOI press secretary Adam Fetcher, Houser says he was told that he should not write anything about them in any electronic correspondence. “He wanted a hard copy, no email,” says Houser, in order to avoid creating any internal correspondence that could be subject to a Freedom of Information Act request. (Fetcher is now the deputy national press secretary for Obama’s reelection campaign.) Houser says his boss, who was out of the office during the initial exchange, also chastised him for emailing other scientists working on Klamath regarding the release. “I was told that the secretary of interior wants to remove the dams, so my actions weren’t helpful,” says Houser.

See how Mr. Fetcher was punished for covering up the truth. He was promoted! How about this revelation from Glenn Greenwald’s latest article on a related topic.


1 comment:

  1. Hitler said science was bad and teachers were bad, phalosphers were bad, books were bad, freedom was bad... Kinda sounds like Obama


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