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Thursday, August 16, 2012

11 Chicago Cops Sue City, Accusing Rahm Emanuel of Discrimination

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is named in a federal lawsuit from 11 of the city’s police officers, alleging that the mayor unlawfully removed them from his security detail when he took office in 2011.
The officers, all of white or Hispanic descent, claim Emanuel, who was elected mayor  in 2011, replaced senior members of his security detail with volunteers who contributed to the mayor’s campaign. They also allege that African American officers with less seniority were given preferential treatment by being kept on Emanuel’s team.
Comments regarding the lawsuit were not granted to ABC News from either the city of Chicago or the mayoral office of Rahm Emanuel.
Sent in by a reader. Thank You


  1. youre welcome!

    i would alos like to say i find it interesting that this story is so well hidden in the MSM...

  2. Ah, in the shadow of his leader

  3. What do you expect from an OBAMA follower.. need we say any more?


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