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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama Hosts Iftar Dinner, Notes Thomas Jefferson’s Koran

The Romney campaign let loose with the announcement that their VP pick would soon be announced late Friday night, just as President Obama’s Iftar dinner was still settling.
Obama hosted the Ramadan dinner at the White House after sundown, serving garden salad, thyme-roasted natural chicken, farmstand vegetable ratatouille, and vanilla peach sesame halvah crunch to guests who had been fasting all day.
Attendees includes the two Muslim members of Congress, Reps. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and Andre Carson (D-Ind.). Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), whose district includes part of Dearborn, Mich., also came.


  1. This is not happening in our Country. Please, someone tell me it aint so. When is he going to host a dinner for Jews and Catholics. Wake up America.


  2. I remember in grade school seeing pictures of Thomas Jefferson always wearing a towel around his head.

  3. Thank you, 7:29. And robes, as I recall. There was no halo, though!

  4. My GOD! When will this buffoon STOP bowing, apologizing, and trying to kiss the ace of every Muslim person in the country and on the planet? If they were so damned brilliant and indispensable, why aren't THEY landing on Mars, aiding disaster stricken regions, and sending peace envoys everywhere? Oh. My bad. They can't launch a rocket unless it has explosives attached (and STILL can hit anything), most of the worlds disaster area's are muslim nations, and they don't believe in "peace". Of course, we don't either, so I got that part. Lastly I haven't read EVERYTHING that Jefferson wrote, but I can't remember him referencing any whack-job, murdering, made up diety named "allah" in his quest for a "more perfect union".....

  5. If I recall correctly, Jefferson read the koran to better understand an enemy. That enemy being the North African muslim pirates that attacked American merchant shipping and enslaved the crews. Obama's implication that TJ was a student of Islam is, of course, just another deception.


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