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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Answering Your Survey Questions Today

11:02, Cookie Dough

11:05, We must focus on jobs and bringing businesses BACK to Salisbury.

11:07, I owned a manufacturing company, (ITI Illumination Technology, Inc.) for more than 25 years and retired at 40.

I played Professional Pool for many years and owned a chain of Upscale Billiards rooms as well as a bar/restaurant.

We are raising our Grandson and I have been the owner of Salisbury News for the past 8 years.

In 1979 I was in a very bad car accident that took me away from finishing High School. Because my family was very poor at the time there was absolutely no way I could go back to school for an additional year so I chose to go to work to help support my Mother and siblings. Clearly I made the right decision.

anonymous 11:18, While supporting Jim Ireton for Mayor, I stated early on in that race if he did not do the things he assured he was going to make happen in his platform I would run against him in the next election.

anonymous 11:28, great question. Last night surprised me quite a bit when the City Council dropped the impact fees 64%. In my honest opinion, they gave the City away last night, so I guess Jim Ireton is simply proving it is much easier to GIVE things away, (as well as the Council) than it is to work hard at rebuilding.

We need to STOP going into debt. We need to stop taking things like a Fire Boat that will cost us dearly and we simply do not need it. When we pay off debts, we do NOT need to use that monthly spending just to go into debt on other things that are not necessary.

I will NOT be your feel good Mayor. I will be the guy that tightens the belt like no other Mayor has. We need road improvements and so many upkeep things this Mayor and the former Mayor ignored for more than a decade.

anonymous 11:28, No. This Mayoral term is only 2 years. I will not uproot my Family for a 2 year part time job and neither would you. If I choose to continue I'd certainly consider it. Keep in mind, I do own and live in my property in Salisbury. I'm paying my dues more so than anyone else you know.

anonymous 11:24, Are you sure your on the right Blog? Suggesting such would make me want to challenge your mental frame of mind.

anonymous 11:42, From what I've gathered, Barrie Tilghman somehow locked any hope away from that ever happening again. While I think property owners should have the right to vote, I highly doubt I can make that happen in the next 2 years.

anonymous 11:55, I have a plan to revitalize ALL of the Downtown area. I'd like to work close with the Chamber of Commerce to encourage property owners in feeling good again about Salisbury and reinvest in their properties. The problem as I see it right now is that too many property owners are renting these properties far below market value. This will take time to bring things back to where they need to be and I'm asking ALL of you to work with me. I say that because my plans are for 40 years down the road. Of course there will be immediate changes but in 40 years I'd like Salisbury to be known like San Antonio, Texas with a River Walk, Hotels, shops along the river, the whole nine yards.

Unfortunately we live in an instant gratification society. Salisbury is just too big for that and has too many issues.

anonymous 12:03, it will come from the taxpayers, unfortunately. You can thank Barrie Tilghman every chance you see her for that. Come on now, you know there's no other way around that.

anonymous 12:18, January.

anonymous 12:58, I have proposed charging a $1.00 fee at the Zoo for all NON residents. This will help reduce tax liabilities in the City. Again, we have to stop spending on frivolous things. I understand and respect your position and will do so for my entire term as Mayor.

I'm very surprised none of you have questioned CRIME in Salisbury. If elected I will make the SPD priority #1 in Salisbury. No, this is not just talk, I mean it. We must reduce crime, period. If we want to bring businesses to Salisbury as well as new home owners, we must bring forth a business plan to encourage businesses to relocate here. The Eastern Shore is a fantastic place for manufacturing and good paying jobs.

We need an Economic Development Director who understands Salisbury's needs and turn things around.

We need to STOP ECI from dropping off the majority of their inmates in Salisbury. We need to work closely with Matt Maciarello to eliminate the Gangs in Salisbury.

I'll await more questions from you...

To see the questions, GO HERE.


  1. That guy who runs the economic development office called "SWED" spends more time on the tennis courts than in the office -- and our poor economy shows that in spades.

  2. "While I think property owners should have the right to vote, I highly doubt I can make that happen in the next 2 years."

    Problem for you is, that's completely illegal in the state of Maryland. Rising Sun and Ocean City both tried it and lost in court. If you don't live in the city, and just own property, you can't vote.

    At least, you're not supposed to. But the state of Maryland does make it far too easy for people to just walk in and get a drivers' license and then register to vote in Maryland.

  3. You skipped 11:11am Mr. Mayor!

  4. Talk about an open door policy. WOW

  5. Do you think Jim Ireton will run again?

  6. OMG Cookie Dough is my favorite favor also. What are the odds of that.

  7. "We need to work closely with Matt Maciarello to eliminate the Gangs in Salisbury."

    Great answer Joe.

  8. Will you be fundraising or self-financing your campaign?

  9. anonymous 3:14, I think Jim Ireton wants you to BELIEVE he'll be running again but clearly he can't handle the pressure of someone with a strong business background running against him.

    Jim is a great speaker but he will NOT control the forums. I will call him out on his feel good words and I will deliver direct answers. Answers he won't have a clue how to defend.

    If Jim Ireton wants to go down in politics looking like a complete fool, he'll run. If he'd ever like to run for something ever again he'll bow out gracefully and walk away. Jim Ireton gets upset because I am a more qualified candidate and he has admitted to such in a phone conversation with me personally.

    By the way, I am NOT afraid to openly discuss the gay issue. Mayor Ireton has openly and proudly done interviews with a gay magazine and his lifestyle WILL be brought forth, just as my marriage and background will be brought to light as well. The closet door is open from this point forward, not closed. NOT that there's anything wrong with that. Just sayin, right Chuck.

    Anonymous 3:19, yes, we will be fundraising when the time comes.

  10. I think the gay issue is fair game. I know you'll be respectful Joe but I agree with you on that one.

  11. As do I. Your married, he's for gay marriage. If I would have known he was gay I wouldn't have voted for him. Now I know and he will not get my vote.

  12. anonymous 3:59, just because someone is gay doesn't make them a bad person, not at all. In fact, away from politics Jim Ireton is a very funny guy and very enjoyable to be around.

    Unfortunately the position has completely screwed up his head, (IMHO) and he's forgotten where he came from.

    To Jim Ireton, being the Mayor is the very top of his career. While I hope to walk away from that position after several years, it will simply be a stepping stone for me.

    I will bring to the table a ton of business experience with Fortune 500 Companies. I've managed thousands of employees over the years. I know the BS artists from the hard workers and guess what, the Mayor's job is ADMINISTRATIVE, not legislative. The Council will do their job and I will do mine.

    I will not be a CONTROL FREAK as Mayor. However, those people who work for the City right now know very well that they'll not be able to BS me and those slackers will perform. Tjose who are not capable will simply be removed.

    The City will be run like the customer is always right! We will satisfy people, not treat them as if they have no other options. Department Heads will be able to talk to each other as this City will no longer have anything to hide.

    It will not be easy to do but let me assure you, it can and it will be done. How else can you turn things around if the leadership has so much to hide.

    It's not too late, BUT IT'S CLOSE. If we don't make changes in the right direction people will continue to run.

    The time is NOW. Ireton has proven he is NOT capable.

    By the way. Ireton stated last night that I was his political oponent. I guess that proves he's now admitting I'm NOT a Delaware Blogger.

  13. Hey, Joe, on that capacity fee thing, Cohen explained last night that they had to lower them "based on the figures from public works."

    Here's the problem as I see it. It's pretty clear that Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen were NOT thrilled about lowering those capacity fees. But the code or whatever MAKES them do it based on those figures from public works. Now what if the public works figures are like the fire grant and are wrong!?! How would the council ever know?

    That's what I think is going on. I think Campbell and Cohen know something isn't right in those figures, but they don't have the information to say just what.

    Just a thought, because I've now watched this capacity fee discussion and I get the feeling something is just wrong.

  14. He knows you got it won in April. Waiting now for him to use your name.map

  15. when did your residency start in the city of salisbury and what are the residency requirements for the mayor position


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