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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

‘Nobody 2012’: Occupy Wall Street Turns on Obama

When the Occupy Wall Street movement first emerged, there was an understandable rush to compare it to the Tea Party. Both movements suffered from initial image problems (though the Tea Party overcame them far more quickly), both movements were created by insurgent, grassroots forces opposed to established political trends, both took aim at large, comfortable institutions and both were essentially phenomena that began with a party’s base.

Yet since each movement’s inception, the end result of their activism has been completely different. Just look at the reception they each will receive at the conventions held by their respective parties. At the Republican National Convention this year, Tea Party elected Senators will be speaking. Tea Party elected politicians at all levels will be in attendance. Ideas like the Ryan plan, which may make the platform, will have come from the Tea Party, and Freedomworks will be pressuring the party to place 12 Tea Party-generated ideas on that platform.



  1. And the average Occupier lives in their parents basement, has a bong on the coffee table and lives on potato chips and grape soda. They are a drain on society and a waste. Get a job, vote and pay taxes.

  2. I don't feel they should be allowed to vote until their independence is apparent...job, place to live, pay taxes...etc. Right now the only prerequisite to vote is a birthday and where. (not always on the where,)

  3. I don't "stand" with the anarchists, but I certainly sympathize with the idea of Nobody 2012. Really, out of all the people in this country those two @ss clowns (that's Obama and Romney) are the best we can come up with?

  4. are these people stupid? OWS never stood WITH Obama!! How can they turn on him if they never were with them. OWS and Obama together is nothing more than a sad conservative myth based on propaganda. Keep drinking that kool-aid and maybe we'll get lucky and you too will find your way to Jonestown


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