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Saturday, August 04, 2012

Low-tech EMP to send U.S. back to 'Stone Age'?

Eid-ul-Fitr, the Muslim holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan, was an appropriate setting for a panel discussion today on the threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, attack on the United States.

The live event, hosted by Florida-based The United West, was held to raise awareness of the looming threat.

The warning presented was startling: A crude nuclear device placed on top of a 50-year-old SCUD missile and launched by a tramp steamer could cause the collective collapse of the nation’s power grid in a matter of minutes.



  1. Launched by a "tramp steamer"? aimed at our telegraph system maybe? who writes this stuff, my pop-pop?

  2. There's a novel on this subject called "One Second After" by William J Forstchen. In such a situation most of us will be dead within the first month.

  3. That is a good book, read it last year.


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