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Sunday, August 19, 2012


Nearly a year after country music singer Hank Williams Jr. courted controversy by comparing President Barack Obama to Hitler, he’s unleashed more fiery criticism, this time calling the president an anti-American Muslim.
Williams’ comment came near the end of a concert Friday night at the Iowa State Fair Grandstand, the Des Moines Register reported.
“We’ve got a Muslim president who hates farming, hates the military, hates the U.S. and we hate him!” Williams said, according to the newspaper.


  1. AMEN, Hank!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone feels that way on Nov. 6th!!!

  2. Finally! Somebody with the balls to stand up and tell the truth. I wonder how long it will take for the IRS to audit him. Hank Williams Jr. for president.

  3. And he hates country music-but tolerates it.

  4. You tell em Hank! November cannot come soon enough. We are going to send Obammy back to Chitcago, Mecca, anywhere but back to the White House.

  5. I hate when entertainers jump into politics. I hate it from the left so even though I agree with Hanks sentiment I still have to say JUST SING!

  6. You have someone who is reportedly not a registered voter. Has a questionable history of consistent answers/opinions
    Yes it's America and I am thankful more than anyone could realize but he has his opinion and I have mine, while points we agree on are many him and other so called spokes people for the world can just shut up

  7. Don't be jealous just because he is rich and famous and using his popularity to spread his opinion.

    An opinion which by the way, is shared by many, many people.

    I'm sure there are a couple of people that agree with you too.

    That is what is great about this country, free speech. Heaven help us if people like you two ever get the opportunity to restrict or get rid of that RIGHT.

  8. You go Hank! Next on the news will be "Obama to sign executive order that Hank Williams Jr. can no longer perform in the USA". And he's just doing his job as God.

  9. 601-What's wrong with not being a registered voter? The voting masses have screwed this country over time and time again, look at the morons in congress who stay in for decades at a time, all because of the stupid American voter.

  10. I would fight and die to allow Hank to say what he wants, particularly against the government.

    But that doesn't make his comments any less idiotic...

  11. Why do we try to listen to these people?

  12. Pack your bags Obama and your red neck racist wife's bags and get the hell out of the White House

  13. I would fight and die to allow Hank to say what he wants, particularly against the government.

    But that doesn't make his comments any less idiotic...

    August 19, 2012 6:29 PM

    Nor yours.

  14. Why do we try to listen to these people?

    August 19, 2012 6:39 PM

    Evidently, you are not.

  15. Hank Williams is a redneck known for drinking drugging and fighting. Why should I care what he thinks. You can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the redneck out of the boy. And if he is not a registered voter he shouldn't complain. Get out and vote for who you think is better or just stick to singing.

  16. 8:57 PM

    You don't have to care.

    Being registered to vote or not being registered to vote should have no bearing on right and wrong and the way things should be.

    Being registered to vote and voting merely gives one the illusion that they have some say in the way things are done.

    If that were the case, everything would be the voter's fault and not the ones who actually did anything wrong.

    And to go one further, voting is actually mob rule. Like you wanting others to shut up that do not agree with you.

    If you had five people and four voted to hang the other one, Stan, that is democracy. Poor Stan, wrong or right, doesn't have a chance with his one vote.

  17. If you don't vote or even register then you can't complain with any legitimacy. Also, Obama's administration has never cut defense spending or farm subsidies. I would like to debate facts not some uninformed person's rants.
    Rob Sykes

  18. for all you hank haters, doesn't matter what you think, bottom line is you boy obummer better start packing! even the majority of the most gullible voters have seen through his bs!

  19. 9:19-I agree.Did'nt Hank lose his Mon Night Football gig because of his being outspoken? Toby Keith is the same way.Freedom of speech is one thing,but I fail to see why country music and politics would merge.

  20. 5:13pm

    Its pretty ironic that you completely support this idiot, and then go on to call Chicago(one of the larger cities in the US), "shitcago."

    Chicago is a great city full of fellow americans just like yourself, yet you feel the need to put the city down like fellow americans dont live there.

    Sounds to me like YOU hate the US.

  21. 12:44 PM

    sounds like you've never been there. if it's so great, why are people getting killed in record numbers?

  22. chitcago, ghettos and gangs! yup just where I want to go!

  23. I would like to know how this myth that if you're not registered you can't complain.

    I would like to remind those that repeat this nonsense that they are trying to put a limit on free speech, among other things.

    This country has never worked that way and hopefully, it never will.

    Don't we have enough troubles without adding to them?

    You do not have to be a member of any party to have an opinion, express that opinion, nor to be able to think for yourself.

    I will never succumb to that propaganda and I would hope most sensible people do not either.


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