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Sunday, August 19, 2012


Two high school choruses will not be performing with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra (ASO) this year because they’re not “racially-diverse enough,” Fox News  reports.
Apparently, it’s more important that you look like you just came from the set of “Glee” than it is to, you know, have actual talent.
“This year, the schools were informed by symphony officials that their choruses are not diverse enough, and that the symphony would be inviting a third, more diverse chorus [emphasis added],” said Cobb County Schools spokesman Jay Dillon.


  1. Most programs in schools are not racially-diverse enough. Rich white kids are still bulling the unprivileged children. If all parents earned the same, the children would be treated the same. The president will correct this problem facing our country in the next four years.

  2. WTH happened to talent ?

  3. Wow that was the most ignorant statement I've read on here I hope it was tongue in cheek. It's the kids from the Ghetto who bully the other kids who's parents worker hard to give them a better life because they love them more.Obama is a racist his actions prove that.

  4. I think track teams, football teams and basketball teams are no different from choirs. They need to be more diverse, too.

  5. I think its time to ignore "diversity" and focus on hard work and talent. As an employer, I see neither in my applicants for work.

  6. I think its time to ignore "diversity" and focus on hard work and talent. As an employer, I see neither in my applicants for work.

  7. Since Obama was elected we are all equal and these divisive diversity demands can go away.

  8. Yep. "Talent" and "ability" are way overrated. I'd rather watch 60 people sing out of tune and off beat, as long as there were a lot of different colors of skin. You know, 'cause THATS what I came to see and hear. Give 'em all an award, too. Just for showing up. And give each "diverse student" an "accomplishment award" so as to recognize their exemplary efforts against all odds. And the better, yet less "diverse" chorus singers? Jail 'em for failing to recognize the unfairness in the world, the oppression, the downright meanness of not recruiting singers from another state, and the selfishness of wanting to be the best without taking into account the "feelings" of those who really can't sing. Now excuse me while I write a note to the Delaware Hoops Tournament organizers, in which I will complain about the lack of "diversity" in the basketball teams. Wish me luck.


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