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Friday, August 31, 2012

Eastwood Comes Out Shooting: ‘Biden Is the Intellect of the Democratic Party’

Clint Eastwood. Hollywood Legend.  Just Told Barrack Hussein Obama to Make His Day, along with thousands of Conservatives, Libertarians and Republicans in Tampa at the Republican National Convention.

In a moment that will be remembered for conventions to come, the gunslinger came out shooting.   A steady aim at the Administration and the policies of the last four years. The Eastwood speech was steady and grit filled.

The convention fell to a fever-pitch as the mega-tron screen went black and a massive silhouette of the iconic cowboy appeared behind a western canyon.



  1. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You go Mr. Eastwood.

  2. The sad thing is that Clint Eastwood is correct and Biden is the intellect of the democratic party comparatively speaking.

  3. Anyone who did'nt agree with him ran the risk of getting shot.You know,"this here's a 44 magnum,the most powerful handgun in the world.At close range it'll blow a mans head clean off" Hell,if I was there I'd cheer him on too.

  4. I've been laughing at my democratic friends who are mad as hell at Clint this morning but who think George Clooney is just plain awesome.

  5. Eastwood's interview with empty chair was sensational! Invisible Empty Suit in Empty Chair was very Transparent, WOW ! NO-BAMA 2012

  6. I'm not sure the GOP was thrilled with his performance - not according to Mrs. Romney on the news shows today

  7. Best RNC or DNC segment I've ever seen!

  8. There was nowhere to hang an empty suit, so he used the chair. We LOVED it!


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