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Friday, August 17, 2012

Customs Chief Puts Herself On Leave

The chief of staff for Immigration and Customs Enforcement has placed herself on leave.

Suzanne Barr faces a review of accusations from a discrimination and retaliation lawsuit filed by an ICE employee. James T. Hayes Jr., the special agent in charge of the ICE New York field office, filed the suit in May against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in U.S. District Court. Hayes accused Barr of creating a "frat-house type atmosphere" at ICE that targeted and humiliated male employees. An ICE spokesman said the charges have been referred to the agency inspector general. Barr worked for DHS Secretary Napolitano when she was governor of Arizona.

1 comment:

  1. Another great example of how useless our government is. Those who abide by the governments laws are hurt worse then those who do not. What kind of sense does that make at all?


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