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Friday, August 17, 2012

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - $480k for language services for two entry level staffers

The Washington D.C. based legal watchdog group Judicial Watch announced on Wednesday that it obtained documents, through to two separate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, showing that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau spent $479,354 for sign language translation services, that assisted two entry level staffers and a "Banking Law Fundamentals" class at George Washington University for the agency's top attorneys. According to JW:

With respect to the banking class, Judicial Watch filed its FOIA request after finding a May 31, 2012, purchase order published at usaspending.gov indicating the CFPB paid George Washington University $4,500 in class tuition on behalf of six employees to attend the “Banking Law Fundamentals” class. Responsive documents included training authorization forms as well as internal emails seeking approval to enroll in the course at agency expense


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