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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Still Going Crazy With First Amendment Customers Tonight

These pictures are LIVE at Chick-Fil-A at 8:00 PM. The McDonalds up the street is almost empty.


  1. Beautiful Pictures!

  2. Love The Waffles Fries!

  3. The Great Thing about Chicken is that it does not give those dimples on your legs.

  4. I went there this afternoon and the place was packed. I don't like crowds and would normally not wait 40 minutes for food, but this was a special occasion. Everyone in there was polite and pleasant and holding doors for other customers. It was a pleasure to be surrounded by such good people for a change.

  5. You know how to stay on top of something when it is hot!

  6. so that whole gay comment thing didnt work in the gay ppls mind lol

  7. Anonymous said...
    Kiss Me.

    August 1, 2012 8:22 PM


  8. Hey Joe did you know that Lore Chambers insists that city employees call her Dr. Chambers?

  9. You say "first amendment", but I think you mean "bigots".

  10. For whatever reason, the OC location was absolutely gridlocked in traffic for about three hours yesterday afternoon.

  11. 1:47 A Is that all you've got? You must have had a few too many earlier... Go sleep it off...Then when you wake up, read up on the reality of this story and the first amendment.

  12. In Mass. a few days ago the head of ACLU (a woman) said EVERYONE should go & pig out on all the "bad for you" food so they can "have the big one". (Loosely quoted) Real nice, eh? I wish that group would collapse. (Interestingly SCOTUS judge Ginsberg was formerly ACLU atty in DC. Her office employed 50 or so people, none of whom were "of color".) WHAT HYPOCRITES!

  13. "Anonymous said...
    You say "first amendment", but I think you mean "bigots".

    August 2, 2012 1:47 AM"

    Dan Cathy expressed his opinion-no more no less. Only a twisted mind would equate that to bigotry. It's not hate speech nor intolerance, which would be more along the lines if Cathy had said homosexuals were not welcome in his restaurants.
    As much as the leftists would love to redefine words when it suits them, the silent majority is way too smart for that trick and won't fall for it, so stop being brainwashed 1:47 and look yourself to the meaning of a word before spouting off propaganda.

  14. Did anyone go in there late last night? Were they out of anything? How in the world did they keep up. I'm sure they did not expect that many people to show up in one day.

  15. Actions speak much louder than words in many cases. In this case I think the majority is speaking. The few in Washington that think it's prudent to advance this disgusting behavior are going to get their chance to hear the peoples they represent.

    It's high time the BUTTHEADS we put in office start doing the will of the people and not their will! The next place to hit is the polls and get rid of the very ones who are allowing this crap to continue!

  16. The "Silent Majority" (Richard Nixon's famous phrase is rising...now, if they can only rise a bit further.

  17. This entire fiasco is shameful. How do you think the gays working at these restaurants feel about all this?? Where is the compassion for your fellow man? WHat would Jesus do???

  18. lunch on 13 was completely packed. but great crowd. no one upset everyone making their voices heard.
    they needed the fire marshall last night to keep things moving in order as i talked to some people who ate there last night.

    i went back for dinner at the mall store at 6 last night. was amazed as there were at least 30 people in two lines waiting. waited about 35 minutes to get served. all worth it. people in front of me had driven down from seaford to get their dinner. just to support chick -fil-a. in front of them i met people who drove up from pocomoke.
    people wanted to make their point.
    no one at any other rests. in the food court. it was funny seeing those employees from other places just watching with their arms crossed.

  19. The most talented ad agency in the world could not have come up with a better campaign then this one man speaking his mind and not giving a hoot about political correctness.
    On the flip side the gay rights groups calling for the boycott and attempting to stifle freedom of speech has done more to hurt their cause than any anti gay group could ever have done.
    It's the product of the gay rights groups becomming over zealous and when that happens they end up destroying themselves from within.

  20. They were so busy last night that I was served 2 Texas sandwiches.For the lay person that's 2 buns with plenty of wide open space im between.I did'nt realize until I drove off that no filet was in either.I did'nt dare go back & fight the crowd.I should have felt the weight difference immediately,duh.

  21. 9:01 - If the message and people supporting it are so BIGOTED then how come gay people are ALLOWED to work there? I'll tell you why, because Chick-Fil-A is a business with values. Remember those? So the President doesn't believe we should redefine marriage because of your twisted sexual desires however you are still a person and deserve to be loved as a HUMAN.


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