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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Chick-Fil-A In The Mall Packed

There are TWO people in line in the business next to Chick-Fil-A. Once again, I'd say the people have spoken.

I've been told some Wendy's restaurants are putting out signs that say, please go and support Chick-Fil-A today.


  1. Not related....
    Anything on a water spout/tornado in Somerset this morning?

  2. Would'n it be funny if Chick-Fil-A people were for the gay movement as the other companies.

  3. It's always like that in the mall.

  4. Hope the is a good barometer for November!

  5. Water Spout touched down in Saxis, VA as well as Crisfield, MD I do believe today. Neither caused any damage at least that has been reported.

  6. where is the like button on your blog? LOL

  7. This is a major moral victory against Jim Ireton, his type, his politics and supporters.
    Keep eatin' that beef Jimbo...
    You perv.

  8. Powerlineblog dawt com is reporting the same experience across the country!

  9. listening to "rush". people calling in from all over the country and he's getting emails and messages from everywhere reporting same results. also a confirmation on the "wendy's" signage supporting chick-fil-a.

    i really believe this is another barometer for the upcoming election.

    on another note: great news regarding the election results out of texas. go conservatives...

  10. hubby & I went to Chick-fil-a on N13, Salisbury. Packed, great crowd. waited for our food but same quality as every other day. a fun crowd of people too. a great experience!

  11. If this is any indication on how people are going to vote on gay marriage in Maryland in November it speaks volumes

  12. The majority of the MSM is controlled by liberals and there is a disproportionate number of gays working within this disinformation machine. They may be able to fool us for a little while but they have pushed too far with their agenda. It is time for the pendulum to swing back the other way!

  13. I will only eat lunch at Chick-Fil-A from now on, No gays or liberals dirtying up the place anymore.

  14. The libs can have their boycott. We will have our buycott!

  15. The wife and i went to CHICS north salis at 11:15am for deive thru. You would not believe rhe prople there,Drive thru packed from window back around pass the front door, The inside was crammed packed too.Koyls parking lot jammed.We had to come back to CHECKERS.This was fantastic.Eat your heart out Ireton.

  16. A beautiful Christian sentiment, 3:21. What was the name of that guy who ate with sinners 2000 years ago?

  17. 3:45
    You are on the internet. Look it up. Why is it that Libs always want everyone else to do their work for them.

  18. Not just kindhearted -- a real wit, too!

  19. Well said Queensgirl

  20. I love how people assume that everyone there is only there b/c they oppose gay marriage. I personally think that opinion expressed by Chik-Fil-A is wrong. BUT it is their right to have that opinion the same way it is my right to disagree with it. This isn't about marriage it is about free speech, in my opinion. That is why I ate there today. I want to continue to be able to form my own opinion just they way you are able to form yours.

  21. That is what has gotten so confusing about this whole mess 4:45. You would think people in favor of marriage equality (like myself) would also be all about some free speech.

  22. People like Queensgirl52 only like free speech when you agree with them.

  23. "Anonymous said...
    I will only eat lunch at Chick-Fil-A from now on, No gays or liberals dirtying up the place anymore.

    August 1, 2012 3:21 PM"

    I agree. Christians are to be separate from the world and avoid immoral behaviors and thoughts which according to the Bible homosexuality is immoral as are the majority of liberal thoughts. Christians must avoid temptations. If gays and liberals do boycott Chik Fil A it will be a safe haven from those who choose to avoid unchristian like behavior. We can not compare ourselves to Jesus. We can be tempted and our minds brainwashed. It's best to stay away and be separate.

  24. I have no problem with free speech. I have a problem with hate speech such as "gays and liberals dirtying up the place." I haven't hurled any insults at people who disagree with me.

  25. 8:38 - Even the man who ate with sinners 2000 years ago told them to abandon their sinful ways. Don't twist Jesus' acts around on this one. Love the sinner hate the sin.

    Go from this place and sin no more. That's the difference.

  26. And if anyone thinks that people didn't go out of their way to make a statement, While I was waiting for my food I was talking with a couple who drove down from Rehoboth! It meant that much to them!

  27. I'll worry about my own sins, 10:02, and leave admonishing others to Jesus.

  28. 8:52 - Apparently not. You are admonishing those who support ones right to hold an opinion that differs from a small minority of the populace.

    Worry about your own sins you should...


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