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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Westboro Shows Up in Dallas to Protest Beck — And Wait Until You Hear One Anti-Westboro Protester’s Shock View

TheBlaze already told you about the fact that the Westboro Baptist Church, the radical, anti-gay group known for picketing fallen soldiers’ funerals, has been planning to protest Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Love.” On Saturday, they made good on that pledge, as they assembled near Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, Texas, to purportedly sing, chant and speak out against Beck.

 Also in attendance were anti-Westboro picketers who stood firmly against the radical “church” members. Interestingly, at least one of the counter-protesters set out to target Beck as well. “Westboro/Beck: I Can’t Decide Who Is Worse.”

Naturally, we wanted to know why the protester was so conflicted, especially considering Westboro’s bizarre track record. After all, Beck is hosting “Restoring Love,” an inspirational event devoted to service and caring for one another. Westboro, as has been evidenced by the group’s past actions, is devoted to picketing funerals and damning homosexuals (and many others) to hell.


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