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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sen. Schumer Seeks Ban on High Cap Mags and Assault Weapons Next Week

The Cybersecurity Act, which the Senate will vote on next week, will not only contain measures for cyber security but also quite a bit of gun control, if a coalition of Democrats led by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) get their way. 

When the opportunity to add amendments to the bill arose, a "reasonable" gun control amendment was added by Schumer, then backed by Sens. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Jack Reed (D-RI), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), and Diane Feinstein (D-CA).



  1. They all need to be fired in November!!!

  2. Thank God he attached more garbage to a bill that was already garbage! Maybe with this addad weight, the bill will sink faster!

  3. A nut will get or do whatever it takes to kill who he want to. He could have made propane bombs like those Colinbine kids did, even though they didn't get lite, but a killer has many options. I know a guy how killed his wife with a Ballpein hammer, do we outlaw those too?

  4. @9:12-Your argument's invalid. A Ballpin hammer's purpose is not to kill. A gun's sole purpose is to kill; even worse, an automatic gun w/ a high-capacity mag's sole purpose is to kill indiscriminately and quickly. There's a difference between outlawing tools that are used incorrectly to kill people (which is obviously ridiculous) and outlawing weapons which are used correctly to kill people

  5. 1049-I know many guys, who can cycle more rounds, at a faster rate with stripper clips than high capacity mags. Plus, it's much easier to carry pre-loaded stripper clips than it is additional high capacity magazines.

  6. No gun kills indiscriminately. Guns don't kill ANYONE. More knife/bat crimes than so called 'assault' weapons. You people never learn do you?


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