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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

We Were Shocked To Learn Which Country Dominates The World In Natural Gas-Fueled Cars

In the Economist's report on America's energy revolution this week is an astonishing chart showing which countries lead the world in cars running on compressed natural gas. And it may surprise you.



  1. It's not a big surprise to me. While Iran has plenty of oil, decades of sanctions have kept it from having any refining capacity to turn into gas or diesel. It's cheaper for them to fuel cars with natural gas, which they can produce themselves.

  2. As long as the EPA has their way, natural gas and other can and efficient forms of energy for transportation will NEVER succeed in the US. Despite natural gas being an extremely clean burning fuel, too many emissions regulations exist to have alternative combustive energy solutions. Diesel has even proven and developed to be a much cleaner fuel source than what it was initially made out to be. Diesel is now frowned upon as a "dirty" and inefficient fuel source so much that the EPA is currently attempting to ban diesel. Notice the prices in you grocery store lately? They are going up and do you know why? It's not because of inflation, its because the majority of the trucks and equipment used to manufacture, produce, harvest and/or deliver those goods are diesel! Haven't your ever heard, "Don't honk at the trucker, most of the goods you consume are delivered by truckers?" If our energy costs goes up, everything goes up!

    Maybe if the government would quite shoving the "green" movement down our throats and let free markets reign then maybe people would be more willing to do the "green" thing on their own. Think about how much money we could save as a government if we got rid of green initiatives that the government throws money at, or LEAD certification requirements for schools and government buildings, or money saved on enforcement of BS policies.

    I'm an outdoorsman and I thoroughly enjoy the nature around me, but at what cost? Things go too far, but yet all these liberals and environmental wingnuts think it isn't far enough!

    *Steps off soapbox...*


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