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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mexican Drug Cartels Have Infiltrated All Of These US Cities

Mexican drug cartels have infiltrated most major cities in the U.S.

The National Post used a Justice Department report to track the routes and goods of various cartels.

For instance, cartels can procure meth supplies in Asia, manufacture the drug in Mexico and then ship it up to middle America. The majority of cocaine, stereotypically a Columbian drug, now comes from Mexico.

The Gulf Cartel spreads out east of Texas, making appearances in cities from Columbus, Ohio, to Raleigh, North Carolina. The cartel was responisble for the alleged beheading deaths of rival gang members last month. With more drugs, profit and return comes more danger--deaths have spiked severely since 2007.

The graphic, posted to visual.ly, also breaks down drug deaths by region.

Check it out:



  1. Just like cancer, keeps spreading and spreading and our idiot government just keeps letting them in by the dozens. For God sake, close the borders, period, no one gets in, and if they don't belong here, start exporting. We are the only country that allows all the nonsense anyway and just see where it has gotten us.

  2. Be sure and thank Eric Holder for arming them.
    I'd like to know what arms dealer these Fast and Furious weapons were purchased from and their connection to the political fundraising world.

  3. Cartel is providing more jobs than King Obamie

  4. Hey come on, you're smarter than that! Eric Holder's bosses armed them. Eric works for the real power brokers who remain hidden by secrecy.

  5. Just read border patrol was bringing them in using their vans.


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