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Thursday, July 19, 2012

TSA Let 25 Illegal Aliens Attend Flight School Owned By Illegal Alien

(CNSNews.com) -- The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) approved flight training for 25 illegal aliens at a Boston-area flight school that was owned by yet another illegal alien, according to the Government Accountability Office.

The illegal-alien flight-school attendees included eight who had entered the country illegally and 17 who had overstayed their allowed period of admission into the United States, according to an audit by the GAO.

Six of the illegal aliens were actually able to get pilot’s licenses.



  1. These men only wanted to learn how to make turns and gain altitude, then dive. Humm, sounds like a pre 911.....

  2. Which one of you "they're only doing whats best for us" goofs believes TSA or Homeland Security is actually protecting us? TSA is too busy making sure our HIGHWAYS have one more level of "security" and Homeland Security is too busy buying enough weapons and bullets to take over most of the nations on the planet. We aren't even sliding down a slippery slope towards Big Brother -- we are in a freefall. And millions keep cheering.....

  3. Our tax dollars at work. They are probably Obama's prayer buddies; get your Obama Prayer rug now with a compass that points EAST to MECCA!

  4. Hispanic last names in this instance, though. Perhaps they were training to take out Castro!


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