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Thursday, July 19, 2012

TSA Flags Man With World’s Largest Penis For Additional Crotch Screening

Jonah Falcon of New York City is an actor and hosts a public-access show about the Yankees, but he isn't famous for that. He's famous for a quirk of nature: he has the largest recorded penis in the world. He's appeared on lots of talk shows and even in a documentary, but evidently his fame hasn't reached the TSA workers at San Francisco International Airport. There, the large bulge in his pants caught the notice of a guard, who presumed it was some kind of weapon. He was subjected to a (brisk and professional) extra patdown and tested for explosive residue.

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  1. TSA workers lucky it didn't explode all over them

  2. Did they find any "explosive residue"?

  3. san fran, what else would you expect!

  4. this happened to sam workman too but sam whipped it out WOW you should have seen the look on that guys face while patting sam down


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