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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Trump: Romney Should Release Tax Docs When Obama Releases College Records

The Donald is back and better than ever. Today, Donald Trump explained that Mitt Romney should release his tax records … but not until Barack Obama releases his college records. “Obama should give his college applications and records – you talk about transparency,” said Trump. “We will learn more about Obama when we look at those college applications than any other thing that can happen.” President Obama has already refused repeatedly to hand over such records, lumping the entire topic in with talk about his birth certificate.



  1. Makes sense to me.

  2. Reagan is turning in his grave.

  3. I've also said this

  4. How are the two things related in any way?

  5. What exactly is the point of seeing more of Romney's tax returns? We already know he is a very wealthy man.

    Seems like the dems are grasping at straws. When a incumbent is a failure and has no accomplishments to tout they dream up some irrelevant BS like this and attemp to run with it.
    If I were Romney I'd dump every tax return of mine that I could find on their doorstep and say there you go, they are all yours, now have fun!

  6. Obama's college records are sealed because they will show that he was a foreign student from Kenya, therefore not qualified to hold the office of President. The truth will be known that he is a flat out liar.

  7. I agree, if Obama won't turn over college information then there is nothing that Romney needs to provide, knowing that Romney will provide just about anything that is asked of him.

  8. Funny, Romney has given to charity more money than Obama earned in his entire life.

    The only person with anything to hide is Obama.

  9. I saw that fruad obama being interviewed on TV the other day and he said "The American people DESERVE to know more about the man running for Presient of the United States". He said this with a straight face. THIS, coming from a man who spent millions (thats right- MILLIONS) of taxpayer money to resist disclosure of just about every record and piece of information in his background. And he is STILL doing it. It took him years (YEARS!!) to release his birth certificate and he spent a lot of money and time doing only THAT. I have to reveal more information about myself just to get a driver's license than he has revealed to be PRESIDENT of the most powerful nation on earth. Which one of you Demodummies thinks THAT makes any sense? And MY Social Security Number actually belongs to ME. Too bad HE can't say the same....

  10. ANON: 11:07am

    How on earth does it cost a lot of money and time to not release a birth certificate?

    And let's not forget about the millions of tax payer money he supposedly sent hiding everything else according to you.

    Just where do you get your information from?


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