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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hoyer: Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance 2 'Most Stimulative' Things for Economy

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Tuesday that food stamps and unemployment insurance are the two "most stimulative" t things you can do for the economy.

During a pen and pad briefing with reporters on Capitol Hill, Hoyer was asked if any Democrats are “reconsidering the wisdom” of letting the Bush tax cuts expire at year’s end for the top income earners given the still struggling U.S. economy.

"I haven’t talked to any who are of that mind," said Hoyer. "If you talk to economists, they will tell you there are two things that are the most stimulative that you can do -- one’s unemployment insurance, the other’s food stamps, okay?”



  1. Stunning is the only word I can think of. How do the most ignorant among us get to be in such high positions? This country does not stand a chance unless we rid ourselves of these idiots.

  2. 8:35 - he is a Maryland democrat. Enough said. Don't like it? Vote them out and change the face of Maryland government.

  3. The money from food stamps and unemployment gets spent back into the economy. Everyone loves to bash handouts, and i'm not a fan of them either, but take the food stamps away and a lot of grocery stores and jobs would suffer.

  4. 835, my thoughts exactly. The man doesn't have a clue.

  5. That is true 12:22, but I think maybe if govenment spent more money, time and effort on helping existing businesses to expand and heiping create jobs in the manufacturing sector these people could get back to work.
    Unless you are a minority owned business low interest loans and grants are nonexistant.
    How about the states waiving unemployment insurance on employees for awhile. Instead of the lenghty useless Obamacare a more simple common sense approach would be to have a govenment supplementeed heath insurance program based on employers earning-employers contribute, employees contribute with the government making up the difference.
    These are some of the simple common sense solutions the Republicans have offered up but so far they have fallen on deaf ears. More handouts is the Democrat solution.

  6. Thank you, Steny, for showing just how asininely stupid you are. WHAT economists say THAT? Name them. Quote one of them. And 12:22, consider this --- take away food stamps and bet your life more people would get a job. What do you think happened BEFORE food stamps? And please don't say "people died of starvation"...THAT is NOT true or even CLOSE to true. They went out and found work, you know, for a paycheck. They didn't move into public housing for GENERATIONS or live on welfare for GENERATIONS. They do now, though. THAT"S the truth, the facts, the lowdown, the skinny, and the bottom line.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The money from food stamps and unemployment gets spent back into the economy. Everyone loves to bash handouts, and i'm not a fan of them either, but take the food stamps away and a lot of grocery stores and jobs would suffer.

    July 19, 2012 12:22 AM


    Welfare and Food Stamps are incentive to be lazy!

    Take away the food stamps and I bet they find a job.


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