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Monday, July 30, 2012

Today's Survey Question 7-30-12

Do you plan on eating at Chick-Fil-A any time soon?


  1. as much as possible. The boycott isn't keeping anyone away from the one in Salisbury, you can't even hardly get in the place.

  2. Yup - going on Wednesday!

  3. The thought of our mayor sending them a letter is enough for me to take lunch to work 3 days a week and eat there the other two.

  4. Yes. We eat there quite often, plus I admire and support their Christian values

  5. Absolutely!!! While I appreciate that people have conviction to their principles I live in the real world. People will have opinions and believes that are different than my own. Am I going to boycott or protest every time a person or company representative expresses an opinion that I may not embrace. NO, that is just ridiculous. I will apply my energies to the issues that I find most important to me...

  6. Yes, with my lover. And I plan on making out with him as well. We'll see how tolerant they are.

  7. Why would my family stop now?

  8. Why would my family stop now?

  9. Yes, and we don't eat fast food very often!

  10. I do not eat chicken and have never been in one but i might make an exception.

  11. Absolutely! Definitely worth a try.

  12. Yes, I usually hace lunch there on Wednesdays, will try to go 2x per week now!

  13. The Place was PACKED Saturday! And yes my family and I support their American values, and believe that with our strong relationship with the Father, we can live the right way. May GOD Bless this establishment and all who support it!

  14. Yes, I go there for their good chicken, not their backwards bigoted political views.

  15. Just ate there Saturday. It was so good! I am happy that we now have one in west Ocean City. By the way, it was packed.

  16. 11:15
    why do you feel that is necessary? I woukd hope they are not tolerant of bad behavior from heterosexual couples nor homosexuals. It is a family restaurant with children and this is not an appropriate for anyone. It is attitudes like yours that put a negative stigma on the whole situation. If you think it makes your cause look better you are sadly mistaken.

  17. "Anonymous said...
    Yes, with my lover. And I plan on making out with him as well. We'll see how tolerant they are.

    July 30, 2012 11:15 AM"

    You are gross and so is the mother who whoever that raised you! Making out in public is poor manners! The mother that raised you 11:15 did not do a very good job. People like her should never have multiplied.

  18. No - only because I don't eat fast food. If I did I wouldn't hesitate. They have the right to their opinion.

  19. Yes indeed , this was the best advertisement , and it was free.

  20. 11:39 Their views are neither backward nor bigoted.

  21. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. Cathy has the kahuna's to stand with his. Anyone staying away for that reason should ask themselves what do the owners of their local dining spots believe. I believe you would not be eating out much if at all.

  22. Good idea 11:15! Maybe we should pick a date because me and my boyfriend will totally join you! It is about equality people, if you alls mom and dad can kiss in public than me and my boyfriend can too!! Chick fila here we come!

  23. Yes, Wednesday in West OC, and often thereafter.

  24. yes over and over again!

  25. yes. we don't eat fast food, but we like chick-fil-a. when we want something "fast" this was and will continue to be our choice.

  26. Absolutely. Great place to eat and I like their policies.

  27. 11:15 then you wonder why no one wants to see your point of view.

  28. I didn't know people chose a restaurant based on it's beliefs. I thought it was all about the food.
    Who knew!

  29. I would go there everyday for one of those deluxe spicy sandwiches if I could. The only reason why I don't is because the line is so long I barely have enough time to get there, order lunch and get back to work to eat it before my hour lunch break is over...

  30. Just had lunch there. Great food.

  31. 12:17, I saw a "Veggie Wrap" on the menu the two times I went there last week, I'll ask about it when I go to eat there this week. The chicken salad sandwich there is really tasty!

  32. Yes, soon and often. I have respect for individuals that stand in their faith not behind a politician!

  33. Absolutely, I'll go more often because I give Chick-fil-A credit for practicing what they believe in and their willingness to say (out laud) what they believe in. It's immaterial if I agree with them, I just applaud people and businesses who stand up for their beliefs.
    Politicians needs to stay out of this.

  34. I don't agree with Cathy beliefs at all. But I don't have to. I agree that they have a great chicken salad sandwich and good waffle fries. My opinion on free speech is this: We have a right to free speech but we also have a responsibility to respect the opinion others as well. No matter what side of the aisle you sit on. (i'm on the left side but inching closer to the middle lol) Only 2 year olds can't agree to disagree.

  35. To the homosexuals posting about going in there and making out -- I personally don't care who you love or how you do it. I can tell you that my husband and I don't go anywhere and make out in public. Your point makes you look stupid, not because you are gay. If you were heterosexual, I would feel the same way.

  36. They have good cole slaw, too.

  37. We like their family values and will eat there as much a possible.

  38. Every chance I get (and then some).

  39. Yes, I go there for their good chicken, not their backwards bigoted political views.

    July 30, 2012 11:39 AM

    Well I guess you really are in a minority.

  40. Yes, I go there for their good chicken, not their backwards bigoted political views.

    July 30, 2012 11:39 AM

    Well, I DO!




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