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Monday, July 30, 2012

Obama Wants Black Students To Excel

President Barack Obama's new project to help black students excel is getting both cheers and jeers. A new office is supposed to help agencies work closely with communities on African-American education, he writes in an executive order. African-Americans do not have equal access to good teachers and principals, safe schools and tough college-prep classes. Educators discipline and send them to special-ed more often. The order creates a new interagency working group that involves the Departments of Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services, Defense and the National Science Foundation, as well as the Education Department. Government Executive reports the move has some critics accusing the president of focusing on one race at the exclusion of others.


  1. He has also mandated "race based" quotas on discipline, meaning that punishment must correlate to race percentage. Meaning that if too many blacks get disciplined teachers will have to "punish" some whites or asians to make the quota. If I had a kid in school I would be terrified for him.

  2. I beleave they are the reason for the unsafe schools.

  3. Obama did a great job with Chicago.

  4. ridiculous.
    its not OUR fault they dont want to learn. its all about will power baby.

    any person can come from a bad situation and make things good for themselves. stop allowing them to pity themselves!

  5. Responsibilty and accountability is required for anyone to succeed. It's just another form of class warfare and it makes me sick. One more clear cut evidence that the mans a racist, and determined to set the nation backwards by at least 25 years. Resentment breeds hatred and contempt...and he throws fuel on the fires everyday.

  6. If he truley wanted to help black students then why was one of his first acts to eleminate magnate schools in D.C. at the request of the D.C. teachers union?

  7. We can already see that affirmative action did not work - just look in the white house.

    Time for qualifications and abilities to float to the top.

    I know a number of people that would be classified in these groups that rose to success because of their abilities and work...without 'special' treatment.

  8. Natural selection.
    Sink or swim.
    Survive or die.

    That is affirmative action.

  9. Ain't that racist?

  10. A truly good President would wish all students to excel. He is such a racist!


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