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Thursday, July 19, 2012



  1. Been there, done that. It's awesome! My whale sharks were as big as a city bus and 6 feet under me! And the little guys are even more entertaining.

    As a side note, I want everyone to notice that there are many specific species that all school together and all look the same, as if they only have sex with their own for CENTURIES! They are only attracted to each other, even though the other fish are beautiful. Each has their own traits, and each race stays within itself. There is no ACLU down there. There is no grouper that looks like a mackeral mix.

    Ever wonder WHY?

    Because, we need to stay diverse. Each of us has our own talents, qualities, and expertise that is not present in the other races! That's what makes us the SAME as other species! VIVA LA DIFFERANCE!

    Just one of my life observations...

  2. I'm speechless Gary(but I can still type). Your comment brings ignorance, bigotry and hate to a whole new level. First there's your total lack of any understanding of the natural world. Fish are divided into different species because of their inability to reproduce with other fish species. That is what makes a species and why all human beings are categorized as one species. We can reproduce no matter what combination of race a mating couple happen to be.

    Then there's the obvious which is to compare the societal structuring of FISH with the most developed(that we know of) species on the planet.Really??

    Then you go on to say "as if they only have sex with their own for CENTURIES!" Really??....Try 450 million years brainiac. Seriously?? That you would not only post this ignorance but then put your name to it is astounding!!

    Now to your bigotry and hate. The differences you speak of have nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture. For instance, European culture is divided into many different subcultures that by your reasoning should never mix even though all are considered Caucasion(except for the Irish who are the Blacks of Europe). Sidenote: the first black military pilot was named Bullard, relative of yours?? Now that would be some delicious irony wouldn't it!!! Really!!

    So Gary tell me, what are these talents, qualities and expertise that are inherent by race?? Bring forth your scholars and experts. Come on man, PROVE YOUR POINT. You won't because you can't. The last real research into this was done in the 1930's has subsequently been disproved and scorned as.......wait for it.......INHERENTLY RACIST IN INTENT AND SCIENTIFICALLY FLAWED IN PRACTICE AND THEORY. And dat's da fact Jack!!



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