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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Federal Judge Paves Way for Tennessee Mosque to Open for Ramadan

A federal judge's ruling Wednesday cleared the way for a controversial mosque in Tennessee to open in time for the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

County officials must conduct a final building inspection at the mosque in Murfreesboro, near Nashville, U.S. District Judge Todd J. Campbell said in a temporary restraining order.

The order will allow the mosque to complete the inspection process so it can use its building in time for the religious holiday of Ramadan, which starts at sunset Thursday, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty said in a statement.



  1. Good. Glad to see the court upheld AMERICAN values, and good old AMERICAN RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, in spite of what those so-called "patriots" wanted. This country was founded on the principle of religious freedom and tolerance, and it's good to know at least our courts still value that, even if the so-called Christian, so-called patriot hypocrites don't value it.

  2. Do they think that a court-ordered "final" inspection will pass?

    What if there are code violations found? Will the court order those to be overlooked?

  3. Well, if they have all their permits in line, have built it to the building code and have ALL the finishes in place and working, there's no reason they cannot call for a final and get it in a timely fashion in line with everyone else calling in for their inspections.

    However, the inspector had better treat them the exact same as he would treat me on one of my final inspections(I'm a builder). If there is something not complete that may cause a danger to an occupant, then he must fail them and they need to finish, repair the defect, and get back in line for a reinspection, just like anyone else.

  4. what part of TERRORISTS dont you all get? THey are going to destroy country from inside out look at England.

    Between Liberals and Lawyers only caring about making money.... Un freakin real


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