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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

‘Take the Change and Stick It Out of Sight’: Hear Hank Williams’ Defiant Attack on Obama In His New Album

Hank Williams Jr is, perhaps second only to Ted Nugent, the rocker most likely to drive the Left up the wall. And in his new album, Williams does precisely that, opening it with a song called “Takin’ Back the Country” – a defiant musical broadside against the Obama administration, the media, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Bing and a whole host of other opponents to what Williams considers to be his own homespun set of conservative values. Politico explains:

Country singer Hank Williams Jr. has a message for President Obama on his new album: “Barack, pack your bags, head to Chicago, take your teleprompter with you so you’ll know where to go.”

Williams calls out Obama on a track entitled “Taking Back the Country” on the album “Old School, New Rules” set for release Tuesday.  In the same song, Williams makes a reference to the time when he compared the president to Hitler last year.[...]



  1. Go Hank. Would like you back on Monday night football. We all you got kicked off for not agreeing with and critisizing Obama. You, as well are trying to expose this Hitler-Muslim, and we true Americans thank you for it.

  2. He may have a heart attack soon for this just like Breitbart!

    Go get um Hank! Turn the tide on these anti American socialists!

  3. Love it...Obama and Hillary need to leave the USA!

  4. Love it ,lets contribute to rid America of the trash in office

  5. What your not being told is that ted has had the IRS all over him since the interview and now poor old Hank will be haunted by the IRS too! This President will get back at those who speak the truth.

  6. If Hank Williams Jr. and Ted Nugent are the forebearers for the republican party then liberals have nothing to fear.


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