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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Surge in Heroin Moves to Suburbs

Heroin has become the deadly crest of a wave of addictive drug use in communities around the country.
With addicts desperate for a cheaper high than prescription drugs or seeking a more powerful fix, experts are seeing heroin addiction treatment admissions, overdoses and fatalities rising in nearly every region, including areas where the drug has seldom been seen before.
In Ohio, state officials say drug overdoses from heroin increased 25 percent between 2008 and 2009, and are continuing to rise.


  1. It's cyclic---this generation is doing the same thing the previous generation did --- ignore the dangers of heroin. It is nature weeding out the weak and stupid. Just because they are human doesn't mean they are immune to natural selection. Also, as I've said before --- NO LAW can stop this. NO PUNISHMENT can stop it. There is too much money to be made....Another fact to consider--- these huge shipments of heroin into the country is NOT being arranged by the guy hanging out on the corner. It's done by RICH people in business, politics and law enforcement. Back to the money thing...

  2. Where have you guys been, Heroin took over a long time ago. It is jsut like Oxy, so when the prescriptions dry up the Heroin goes in.


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