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Thursday, July 19, 2012



  1. Obama is a poop dolla !

  2. Romney wants to stop taxing the rich. He won't show his 2009 tax return because it most likely shows him paying as close to 0% tax as possible.

    I understand you're upset with Obama and want him out, but Romney isn't going to be the guy to do it. Too many middle class people in this country.

  3. Pon Paul Period. When will you people get it? O'ramobabeney is the wrong choice. DUH.

  4. 7:08 say what? I am middle class are you confused. Do you want your money? or do you want to give more to the this current mess of a gov to squander on BS?? REP"s prefer to allow supply and demand to work itself out..Dem"s tend to stiffle supply and demand more from you, to spread around in their manure programs and boondoggle that suck us dry...waste!! Lets see Obama's records..what is he hiding? Probably his commie ideals and utopian slave society he has planned for us!.If all romney is hiding how little tax he pays, who gives a rats ass. there for the grace of god go I..That is of course if you have a income source you earn..or do you get your for free off of my back?? Lets agree to drastic TAX code reform is needed but if a loophole exsist more power to em...you know like the earned income tax credit your famliar with? Bet you feel thats OK

  5. Sorry, as much as I agree with you, Ron Paul doesn't have a chance.

    Would love to be proven wrong but that's how I see it.

  6. And Paul is out of the picture , get it? Duh

  7. Romney has donated more to charity than Obama has earned in his entire life.
    7:08 The problem is not Romney.
    It is people like you that have been hoodiewinked by the President and the complicit MSM.

  8. If people with money can't invest it without being over taxed, they won't invest to create more jobs.

    Why is that so hard for some people to comprehend?


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