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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Study Finds Md. Economy Will Benefit From Health Care Act Despite $19 Billion In New Spending

Health care system reforms under the Affordable Care Act will cost the state billions to implement but are also projected to generate income from FY 2014 to FY 2020 as a result of the newly insured, a new study reports. Researchers at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County’s Hilltop Institute estimate that the unemployment rate will decrease nearly 1% by 2020 as a result of almost 135,000 jobs created across all sectors by the new legislation.

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  1. That's right. All jobs will be government jobs.

  2. Whose study? Obamas? Even though we will spend 19 Billion we will make money haha.

  3. Exactly adding to the mounting debt that will bury us to death. WTF

  4. Yea where was the research done. In Obama loving Maryland where they give in State tuition to non Americans. Give me a break!

  5. Adding more bureaucrats to the gov't payrolls is not good for the overall economy. It may seem good on the surface to those actual bureaucrats (Marylanders, it would seem), but it will come at a high price to the rest of the nation.

  6. We have to wait EIGHT YEARS and spend $18 BILLION dollars to drop the unemployment rate by 1%?? BOOKS could be written on how whack THAT math is....ANY economist (even ones that just enrolled in elementary school) can tell you how absolutely unreliable economic "forecasts" are, especially ones that tell us whats going to happen in 8 years....what a joke....I wonder which one of omalley's family or friends (or campaign bribe, er, uh, I mean contributors) got paid 2 million for doing that "research"....How they can say these things so earnestly and with a straight face is beyond the average American's comprehension...we need another revolution. Its the ONLY way we are gonna get rid of these snakes....sort of like when you have roaches so bad they put a big bag over your whole house and kill EVERYTHING...

  7. Once you understand that debt is wealth and that wealth is debt in this country, you'll understand the findings of this study.....


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