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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Now 'Indisputable Proof' of Obama Forgery

At a news conference Tuesday in Phoenix that will be live-streamed by WND, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse will present “indisputable proof” the Obama birth document released by the White House is a forgery, according to the posse’s lead investigator.

Mike Zullo said the new information was developed during an investigative trip to Hawaii in May.

The press conference will be held Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. [Local time will be 2:30 p.m., as Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time].



  1. You go sheriff Joe! Let's get this imposter out of office, along with all the legislation he has signed into law. Probably in the big cities blacks will riot and loot but Obama will not be able to declare martial law if he isn't President.

  2. Hey Sheriff!

    Enough with the press conferences...arrest someone!

  3. Does this guy ever do any actual police work? If I were a taxpayer in Maricopa County, I'd be really steamed.

  4. I am concerned for his safety? It is very dangerous to continue with this line of investigation. Exposing the Manchurian Candidate is dangerous indeed.

  5. 6:14-I feel the same way about Obama while he is campaigning.Does he ever do any presidential work while he galivants all over the country?

  6. you go sheriff. You can use my tax dollars anytime. We need to remove the imposter sooner than later.

  7. 614-He keeps getting reelected in Maricopa for a reason. He gets the job done, and doesn't handle the criminals with kid gloves.


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