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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Some Comments I Feel Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous said...
If you want to get rid of the homeless problem then you have to make it uncomfortable to be homeless otherwise you encourage the problem.

July 15, 2012 12:28 PM

JoeAlbero said...
anonymous 12:28, Excuse me Mr. Perfect but things happen in life.

Our President has driven good people into bankruptcy and placed tens of thousands of families onto the streets, with children.

The majority do not choose to be there but your local and national MSM cover these horrible stories up. No homeless, no bread lines, that kind of news doesn't SELL.

Being homeless IS uncomfortable. Unless you are a LIBERAL and know how to use the system to your advantage.

Do you all remember ALL of the food Salisbury News used to help deliver to the local homeless? Mayor Ireton and Chief Duncan put an immediate STOP to ALL of that. I haven't delivered a meal in 6 months now because THEY want to run each homeless person through a database to make sure every single one of them isn't a felon.

It's the LIBERAL agenda. YOU cannot eat unless you are drug and alcohol free. YOU cannot stay at the shelter LIBERALS demand you to stay in unless you are drug and alcohol free.

I WILL change all of that. We are AMERICANS first and I will forever, the rest of my life, do what it takes to make damn sure we are ALL equal.

I firmly disagree with Mayor Ireton and Chief Duncan on this issue, for the record.

July 15, 2012 12:35 PM


  1. I agree with not allowing the homeless to stay in a shelter if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    I do not believe it would be in the best interest of the other residents or the staff to have to deal with the unpredictable behaviour that comes with mind altering substances.

  2. Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough. Mayor Ireton and Chief Duncan made very sure "I" could not help feed the homeless. The majority of homeless people that are on alcohol and drugs do not choose to be in one of the liberal facilities anyway. I agree, they should not be under the influence. However, they ARE hungry!

    When you get great non profit organizations willing to pack up food and donate to the people who need it most and your liberal politicians make sure they don't get the help they need, I have a problem with that.

    It's interesting to see how the HOMELESS have more RULES than those people on Welfare, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing and do sorth. There's no rules for them BECAUSE THEY VOTE and have an address.

    Reply to that Mr. & Mrs. Liberal.

  3. Wow Joe A big Thank You!

  4. NO!..What is driving people to homeless is the results of people over extending themselfs and buying houses they could not afford to start with. Then entered the liberal obama failed policies.
    And the homeless, i've seen around here were homeless long before obama. Most of these homeless are professional homeless and will never change untill their ready.

  5. I never thought of it like that.

  6. 1:10, you must be one of those I still live at home with Mommy and Daddy liberals.

  7. Blog Cruiser, I will not publish your missleading comment but I will say this. That comment talked about MONEY, not food. Nice try.

  8. Some of you still just don't get the message.

    A few months ago I ran into and old drinking buddy that looked like he just crawled out from under a train and looked like life just kicked him in the teeth.

    While talking to him I made it clear that I have been unemployed for 5 months, just because I'd never give him money because he'd probably use it to buy alcohol.

    The point is, the government should not tell me that I can't buy the man a sandwich and a cup of coffee! ?

    I can't speak for Joe, however, I think that was his point too.

  9. I deal with homeless everyday and THEY choose to be homless. They drink a lot when given money so to be responsable in paying rent is out of the question. Small % are homeless for other resons than drugs and alcohol.

  10. Remember that old commercial? If you don't get it, you just don't get it? lol

    If you don't want to give him money 1:40 you don't have to give him anything that is your right. Just don't tell me that I can't feed him! just sayin'

  11. There is a big difference between a homeless person and a professional taker from the Government tit. Entitlement programs are supposed to be "need" based but have become "want" based. If you are already spending money on cigarettes, drugs or alchol you don't need assistance, you want it. This is not politically correct, just the truth. If we culled out all of the "takers" we would have money to spare on the truly needy.

  12. I was homeless in Korea , I lived in the ground (fox hole). I did have c-rations
    and a poncho. When I think back , it wasn't too bad. You can't shoot back at the police , I could shoot back at the enemy.

  13. Something else I might add , I could drink booze in my foxhole.
    The government supplied me with smokes.

  14. life style choices, just like being on welfare, just like gay marriage, just like swingers. people should be free to make their choices but then they should also have to live with them. We should not be funding them. The old saying give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he can take care of himself. I refuse to help those who will not help themselves.

  15. I will support you as our next mayor and ask my friends to do the same. You have fed the hungry, plowed the snow for the elderly, rang the bell and so many other things to help our community. Ireton went to Annapolis to support gay marriage. I may not agree with you all the time Joe but you will make a great mayor.

  16. to: July 15, 2012 1:23 PM

    Nope a moble home. We refused to pay the over price of houses around here.

  17. I try to help the homeless as much as possible I don't give money but I do buy them food, I do that because I have been there due to the economy not drugs or alcohol not everyone is homeless due to that if you don't know there situation do not judge them. Think if that was you wouldn't you want someone to help you,and don't say it won't happen because you don't know.

  18. Who are the mayor and police chief to tell someone they can't feed the homeless?
    We can buy whomever the hell we want breakfast, lunch or dinner and it's no one's damm business.
    Joe, you are correct the majority of the chronic homeless are homeless because they do not want to change. Personally I would prefer someone deliver food and essetials to the homeless camps then have them wandering around neighborhoods on the way to soup kitchens.

  19. There is 200 churches in the area that could take care of all the homeless but somewhere they have strayed from their mission of existance.

  20. You can spew what ever you want but if you feed these people in parks that's where they will live and that encourages them to stay there. There used to be almshouses for the homeless that helped them get back on there feet. Feeding them in a damn park is more inhumane then to deal with the issue to correct IT!

  21. Almshouses/"poor house" weren't necessarily for the type of homelessness we are seeing now. The chronic homeless are generally abusers of alcohol or drugs and have literally burned every bridge with family and friends. Years ago those who were addicted and had tendencies to wander off could be committed to an insane asylum-Spring Grove State Hospital and the one in Cambridge are examples. "Back in the day" these were hugh complexs that could house a thousand people.
    Then the Supreme Court ruled that unless someone was considered a danger to themselves or others they could not be committed involuntarily and that is when the mass homeless problem surfaced.

  22. Need to read Luke chapter 14,verses 12,13,14

  23. It's the same issue with welfare once someone gets used to getting something for nothing they're ruined as contributing members of society.

  24. We are a country that leave our mentally ill in the streets. It was more important to spend that money somewhere else. The facilities closed long ago. To feed a homeless soul is a good thing but not all homeless souls choose they way in which they live. They are ill and cannot make a choice. They are not drunk or on drugs...extactly the opposite...they need medication they cannot get because they have no money for a doctor and probably wouldn't use the money given to them for a doctor when they are hungry. I would consider hunger a top priority if I had not eaten in days. I have no answers for any of this but I do know that a huge amount of homeless in this country are just one step away from being responsible citizens but that one step requires a plan of action that they are unable to hang onto for any period of time. I know also that some of these souls are to be feared because they answer only voices that they alone can hear. For that reason it is necessary to use caution when around them...but wait...how do we tell the ones who are sick from the ones who are drunk or on drugs? How do we help anyone then? Open your heart please.. but please be safe or become a victim. As I stated..I have no answers..but I have fed the homeless and I know there is a need.

  25. 1:10 PM

    I don't think you have a clue what you are talking about.

    I'm not going to get on here and preach, it's just words like what the most of you put on here.

    Except for Joe and the few others that actually tried to help them, I don't think any of you really care about them.

    Whenever I see someone who needs help, I give them a few bucks if I have it on me. What they do with it is between them and God. God tells me to help the poor and feed the hungry. I do what I can. And that money I gave was from what I was collecting from unemployment, which I no longer receive, so it's not like I could really afford to give money away.

    We will always have the poor among us. Homelessness can happen to anyone. Me, you, it doesn't matter who you are.

    If anyone does not want to help these PEOPLE, that's up to them.

    I was poor growing up and I know how it feels. And I know the feeling that comes with people looking down upon you and judging you.

    Ok, I said I wasn't going to preach but I think I may have began. So that's my two cents worth. Have a nice night.

  26. Let's just send more money to Africa , to feed and cloth the poor. The hell with America!
    Too many rich whites in this country , ain't that right Pelosi?
    Let's just bail out every 3rd world country for the 200th time , this will help our homeless and starving in the U.S. , right obamie? Isn't that in the new health care bill , everything else is , including the kitchen sink. Let's build a bridge across the Rio-Grande , don't want any Mexicans to drown.

  27. Open your heart please. 9:55 PM

    Good advice and I only hope some will act on it.

  28. We at our club will share what we can when we can to all homeless at a corner or at their home !

  29. 6:14 AM

    From your words it is obvious you have never been to any other country.

    The so called 'poor' here would be middle class in some of those countries.

    I have seen it with my own eyes. It is heartbreaking. (Assuming anyone has one).

    When judgement day comes and Jesus asks you why you did not feed them, what will you say?

  30. I really didn't know that homelessness didn't before the President was elected.

    Imagine that, you learn something new everyday.

  31. hey 7:06
    Give a man a fish and feed him for a day , teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time.

  32. hey 7:06
    The meek shall inherit the earth!

  33. hey 7:06
    Give a man a fish and feed him for a day , teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time.

    July 16, 2012 9:58 AM
    Anonymous said...
    hey 7:06
    The meek shall inherit the earth!

    July 16, 2012 9:59 AM

    Hey, how about a coherent thought and valid point?


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