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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Paul's Bid to be Nominated for GOP President Ends

Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s bid to be nominated for president at the party’s national convention ended Saturday when he failed to win enough delegates at Nebraska’s state GOP convention.

Paul, R-Texas, won two of the state's 35 convention delegates with presumptive nominee Mitt Romney securing the rest, according to The Hill newspaper.

Paul essentially stopped campaigning months ago and has instead focused on winning delegates at state conventions to get officially nominated at the Republican National Convention next month in Tampa, Fla.



  1. If this is true then America has lost its last chance to save itself. Well my fellow Americans, you'll get what you asked for.

  2. I had heard that he won colorado too which would give him five states

  3. Tis a sad day for the USA. God help us...

  4. I will still vote for Ron Paul Because I think he is the only one that cares about this great country

  5. After reading through multiple other stories about Dr. Paul not winning Nebraska I have come to the conclusion that I will not believe it until I hear Ron Paul himself say "I have NO chance to become the Republican nominee for President." The Republican convention rules are complicated and Dr. Paul has the most dedicated supporters of any candidate. And regardless, Ron Paul has already won. His revolution is just beginning......

  6. A very sad day indeed. Robamney is no choice against Paul for me. Too bad people just can't seem to care about Country and Freedom anymore. I hate to see the country my grandkids will have to grow up in...

  7. well 9:38....they don't have to. There are other options. If you don't know what they might be....just stand by. It's a safe bet they will surface in due time.

  8. If you live in Maryland you can vote your conscience and vote for Ron Paul because we all know Maryland Democrats will surely go for Obama.

  9. 910, after 40 years of voting for the lesser of 2 evils, again we have comrade Obama vs Robamney to vote for, if this article is correct. There is no better example that has ever been laid out to us that this is the year that I will write in for the correct leader of my country. Many will claim I am "throwing away my vote", but when the alternative is the same candidate in either a gray or white color, it leaves me no choice!
    Ron Paul is getting my vote, period.

  10. What a sad lot you all are. You run the whole spectrum from deluded (I WON'T BELIEVE IT TIL THERE'S PROOF OMG WTC7!!), to treasonous cowards (Stand by me and get ready for VIOLENCE! Yeah, that's the American way! Let's kill our fellow citizens because we disagree!). You'll have yourselves to thank when the President gets his second term.

  11. He's still got mine, too.


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