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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Romney Shows His Fighting Side, to GOP Cheers

Dogged by lingering questions about his business record, Mitt Romney shifted from defense to attack mode Monday, accusing President Obama of unfairly rewarding campaign donors. It was a more aggressive posture many Republicans have been wanting to see.

The Republican’s camp unveiled a new ad and line of attack that argue Mr. Obama has practiced a perverted form of crony capitalism during his first 31/2 years in office — to the detriment of the American middle class.

As one example, Romney senior adviser Ed Gillespie pointed to Fisker Automotive, which counts the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers as one of its major investors. Employees of the firm have contributed millions to mostly Democratic political candidates, including money to Mr. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to see Romney in the offensive finally. It's hilarious the Obama camp wants to have Romney's tax returns when pretty much everything he has ever accomplished or done in life is under wraps. And supplying money to businesses that donate to him, hmmmmmmmm......


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