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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gold Manipulation Is Going Mainstream

The article below written by Thomas Pascoe in the UK’s Telegraph is to me evidence that the gold manipulation story is about to go mainstream. I spent many years writing all about precious metals (physical metal held outside the banking system) as the most logical wealth protection tool in the current environment, as well as the obvious manipulation of gold and silver by the Washington D.C./Wall Street/Central Bank syndicate. The reason I haven’t written as much about it lately is by no means a reflection of a changed attitude, rather I just think I have said all there is to say on it and I am attempting to wake people up to other crimes and threats.

That said, the LIBOR rigging scandal may be a key inflection point in the public’s awareness and willingness to comprehend the clear gold rigging that has been going on for years and has reached biblical proportions in the last year or so. What we learned from LIBOR-GATE are two key things. First, this seems to be a clear conspiracy with Central Banks and the TBTF banks working together to manipulate the interest rate that is used to price over $350 trillion in fixed income securities, swaps and derivatives (basically every security on the planet when we really get down to it). The Central Banks benefit (and the host governments) since borrowing costs are fraudulently managed lower so as to give the appearance of stability. The TBTF banks benefit by manipulating LIBOR to profit from leveraged trades on trillions of assets that move based on this interest rate. It’s a win-win for the syndicate.

In any event, what becomes clear to anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention is that the gold and silver markets are the exact other side of the LIBOR coin. It doesn’t help to rig interest rates lower if gold and silver are soaring since people will start questioning the purchasing power of the money itself, which if allowed to get out of control will cause interest rates to soar, thus negating the impact of the LIBOR fixing in the first place. This is so easy even a caveman could get it.

So below are some key quotes from this important article and then a link to it. Just back from a six day 2,000 mile road trip so I am bit behind. Hope to have some more posts up later. Mike


1 comment:

  1. Great post!

    This is hugely serious stuff. The bankers are caught, but the main stream media WILL not expose what is now hidden in plain sight.

    Most Amerikans are too stupid or naive to realize our money is worthless and our labor is being stolen.


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