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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Public Transportation System Is Failing Low-Income Workers

According to a new study by the Brookings Institute – only a quarter of Americans can get to work in less than 90 minutes using public transportation. For a lot of Americans who can't afford a car – or the gas to commute the average 13 miles it takes for the typical American to get to work – then public transportation is the only option. But that means long, exhausting commutes. The study goes on to recommend that it's, "critical then for the nation to focus on smart transit investments." That means spending federal money on infrastructure – something that Republicans in Congress have absolutely refused to do, despite the fact that America currently has a $2 trillion infrastructure deficit – meaning we need at least $2 trillion worth of repairs just to get everything up-to-date. Considering there's roughly 15 million Americans unemployed or underemployed – it's good policy to put them back to work rebuilding our roads, bridges, and rails. That is unless Republicans REALLY believe that a deteriorating 19th and 20th century infrastructure will keep America competitive in the 21st century global marketplace.


  1. Low in come workers couldn't give a hoot what i have to pay to get around, Why should i care about them?

  2. Let me see if I have this correct. We are 16 trillion dollars in debt. We need 2 trillion in repairs to our infra-structure. Now, we should provide public transportation so that every (almost every, a bunch more) Americans without cars can get to work. No public transportation system in the country (that I've heard of)can support itself. Many are vastly underused. You and I will have to pay for this forever. OK, Republicans are to blame for not running us deeper into debt. How could they be so heartless?

  3. Get a job. Period.


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